Memory metric type provides the metrics, properties, and tags to represent the memory performance of physical and virtual managed entities.

The VMware Telco Cloud Operations collectors constructs this metric type with memory performance metrics for network devices, servers, and virtual devices. In the VMware Telco Cloud Operations out-of-the box reports, this metric type is used to show the summary of memory performance trends per device and per memory instance. Leverage this metric type to create custom reports to represent memory performance using other Grafana widgets or new filters. Similarly, custom collectors can construct the metric type for the different vendor and create custom reports.

Example of the Memory metric.

  "collectorType" : "Kafka-Collector",
  "collectorInstance" : "KC-1",
  "collectedTimestamp" : 1573186658,
  "processedTimestamp" : 1573186658,
  "metricType" : "Memory",
  "properties" : {
    "dataSource" : "",
    "deviceType" : "Host",
    "deviceName" : "Host-",
    "entityType" : "Memory",
    "entityName" : "Memory-node-113/m1"
  "metrics" : {
    "UsedMemory":      "100",
    "FreeMemory":      "100",
    "TotalMemory":     "100",
    "VirtualMemory":     "100",
    "RealMemory":     "100",
    "MemoryUsage":     "100",
    "LargestFreeBuffer":     "100",
    "SwapOut":     "100",
    "SwapIn":     "100",
    "SwapUsed":     "100",
    "Balloon":     "100",
    "Overhead":     "100",
    "Active":     "100",
    "Consumed":     "100"
  "tags" : {
    "model" : "CAT-100",
   "version" : "",
    "customer" : "customer-1",
    "location" : "main street",
    "city" : "Zurich",
    "address" : "abc",
    "zip" : "90882",
    "region" : "region-1", 
    "deviceCoordinates" : "45.444348, -75.693934"

The following table includes JSON definitions.

JSON Description Unit
UsedMemory Indicates the amount of memory used. MB
FreeMemory Indicates the amount of memory available MB
TotalMemory Indicates total memory size. MB
VirtualMemory Virtual memory. MB
RealMemory Real memory. MB
MemoryUsage Memory usage. MB
LargestFreeBuffer Largest free buffer. MB
SwapOut Indicates memory swap out throughput. MB/s
SwapIn Memory Swap In MB/s
SwapUsed Indicates swap used size MB
Balloon Indicates balloon memory size. MB
Overhead Indicates overhead memory. MB
Active Indicates active memory size MB
Consumed Amount of guest physical memory consumed by the virtual machine for guest memory. MB