Follow these steps to install Deploy-Tool. Deploy-Tool is used for an automated installation of VMware Telco Cloud Operations.

  1. The Telco Cloud Operations deploy tool is distributed as a tar.gz file named VMware-TCOps-Deploy-Tool-<VERSION>-<BUILD_ID>.tar.gz. Copy the file on your system and extract its contents.

    $ tar -xzvf VMware-TCOps-Deploy-Tool-<VERSION>-<BUILD_ID>.tar.gz

  2. A folder called deploy-tool is created and its contents are the files:
    • deploy-cluster(command file)
    • deploy.settings (settings file)
    • install-govc (command file)
    • phase 2 (folder with the script file for a cluster deployment)
    • tco-release (details about this artifact)
    • uninstall (command file)
    • (utilities script)
  3. Set permissions on the following files:$ chmod +x deploy-cluster install-govc phase2/ uninstall