Upgrading an Airgap server by using an incremental package is the preferred method in an Internet-restricted environment. The incremental package contains all the images and charts required for upgrading the airgap server. You can use this procedure to upgrade the airgap server from Telco Cloud Automation 2.1 to 2.3 and from 2.2 to 2.3.


  1. Create an incremental package on a Photon OS VM in an internet-accessible environment. For more information, see Upload Incremental Upgrade Images Bundle to Airgap Server.
    1. Deploy and configure a new Photon OS VM as the new Airgap server in an internet-accessible environment. For instructions, see Configuring an Airgap Repository.
    2. Download the Telco Cloud Automation 2.3 airgap tar file from the VMware Downloads page.


    3. Extract the downloaded tar file to the /root/ directory.
      root@photon-machine [ ~/root ]# tar -xvf VMware-Telco-Cloud-Automation-airgap-files-2.3.0-<build_number>.tar.gz
    4. Copy the setup-user-inputs.yml file as user-inputs.yml file.
      #cd /root/airgap/scripts/vars/
      #cp setup-user-inputs.yml user-inputs.yml
    5. Update the FQDN and product parameters in the user-inputs.yml file.
      • If you are upgrading the airgap server from Telco Cloud Automation 2.2 to 2.3, use the following parameter values:

        - name: "tca"
          versions: "2.3.0"
        - name: "photon"
          versions: "2.2.0"
      server_fqdn: <PhotonOS VM FQDN>
      • If you are upgrading the airgap server from Telco Cloud Automation 2.1 to 2.3, use the following parameter values:

        - name: "tca"
          versions: "2.2.0-"
        - name: "photon"
          versions: "2.1.0"
      server_fqdn: <PhotonOS VM FQDN>
    6. Generate the incremental package.
      root@photon-machine [ ~/airgap ]# scripts/bin/run.sh export

      The size of the incremental package that gets generated might be ~110 GB. Before you generate the package, ensure the available space on the photon-reps partition has twice the size of the package, which is ~220 GB. If the disk has insufficient storage, extend the disk by running the resize operation.

      Based on the internet speed and the number of repositories to be downloaded, this export command generates the airgap-export-bundle-<YYYYMMDDHHMMSS>.tar.gz file within 3-6 hours in the /photon-reps/export-bundle/ folder.

  2. Upgrade the airgap server in the air-gapped (Internet-restricted) environment by using the incremental package.
    1. Copy the Telco Cloud Automation 2.3 airgap tar file to the airgap server.



      If the airgap server has an existing folder named ‘airgap’ under /root/, rename the folder before you proceed to the next step.

    2. Extract the tar file to the /root/ directory.
      tar -xvf VMware-Telco-Cloud-Automation-airgap-files-2.3.0-[build_number].tar.gz
    3. Copy the setup-user-inputs.yml file as user-inputs.yml file.
      #cd /root/airgap/scripts/vars/
      #cp setup-user-inputs.yml user-inputs.yml
    4. Modify the FQDN value of the airgap server in the user-inputs.yml file.
      server_fqdn: <FQDN of airgap server>
    5. Copy the incremental package generated in Step 1f to the /photon-reps/ folder in the airgap server.

      Ensure that the storage capacity of the /photon-reps/ partition is twice the size of the incremental package. If the disk has insufficient storage, extend the disk by running the resize operation.

    6. Import the images and charts from the incremental package to the airgap server.
      root@photon-machine [ ~/airgap ]# docker login [airgap-FQDN/registry]
      root@photon-machine [ ~/airgap ]# scripts/bin/run.sh import
      root@photon-machine [ ~/airgap ]# scripts/bin/run.sh upgrade

What to do next

Validate the Airgap Server setup.