LogicalSwitch has the following relationships:
ComposedOf with LogicalPort
ConnectedLogicalSystems with LogicalRouter and EdgeGateway
ConnectedVMs with VirtualMachine
LayeredOver with Hypervisor, TransportZone, and VirtualDataCenterNetwork
ProvidesConnectivityTo with Interface
- ConnectivityProvidedBy with TransportConnector
- ManifestedBy with VirtualNetwork (applicable only for NSX-T and VIO discovered)
Attributes for the LogicalSwitch objects lists the key attributes for LogicalSwitch objects.
Attribute |
Description |
Allowed values |
VirtualNetworkID |
VXLAN Network Identifier configured on this logical switch. |
String |
VirtualLanID |
VLAN id configured on a given LogicalSwitch. This is applicable only for NSX-T. |
String |
LogicalSwitchType |
Indicates type of the LogicalSwitch. For NSX-V it is GENERIC. For NSX-T it is either OVERLAY or VLAN. |