The Polling and Thresholds Console may be attached either to individual IP domain managers or to the IP-Configuration Manager. The procedures for updating groups and settings are the same for either manager; however, there are some special considerations when creating a primary set of policies to be managed by the IP-Configuration Manager.

By default, both new and changed settings are pushed automatically to all configuration-enabled IP domain managers that are connected to the IP-Configuration Manager. In addition, device access settings (CLI credentials) are also pushed to the IP domain managers.

If some settings apply to some IP domain managers but not others, you need to plan your configuration carefully before connecting IP domain managers to the IP-Configuration Manager; otherwise, you may overwrite unique policy settings with the primary set of policies in the IP-Configuration Manager.

Settings are pushed from the IP-Configuration Manager whenever the IP Managers are connected or re-connected, or when the Push Settings action is invoked. This means that no settings should be defined locally to any IP Manager that is configured by using an IP-Configuration Manager.


If you want to customize settings before applying them, you should start IP-Configuration Manager first, customize settings, and then start target IP Managers. “Control transfer of settings to IP domain managers” on page 44 section provides more information.

The default groups and settings in the Polling and Thresholds Console attached to the IP-Configuration Manager are applied to all configuration-enabled IP Managers. When needed, however, custom groups and settings may be created by copying an existing group, renaming it, and editing the settings.

The Copy Configuration function (available when you right-click one of the default groups in the left panel of the Polling and Thresholds Console) automatically moves the copied setting group immediately above its source setting group. The settings in the copied setting group will have a higher priority than those in the source setting group and any attempt to move a copied setting group below its source setting group will be rejected. This ensures that custom settings will not be overwritten with settings from the lower-level source group.

The group's settings are assigned to one or more IP Managers in the Helper box appearing at the top of the right panel in each Polling and Thresholds screen. For default settings groups, an asterisk appears in this field indicating that the groups and settings will be applied to all configuration-enabled component servers. For newly created groups, you must enter a value in the Helper box. If no value is entered, the settings will not be pushed to any target domain managers.

You may specify matching criteria by using a glob pattern, and wildcards to list a unique set of IP domain managers that will use the custom groups and settings. Custom settings are pushed only to those domains that are specified in the matching criteria.

A primary set of device access credentials, also referred to as command line interface (CLI) credentials, and IP tagging settings can be configured from the Polling and Thresholds Console as well. After modification, click the Apply button in the right panel to update the settings in the IP-Configuration Manager and then click Push Settings to implement the new settings in all configuration-enabled servers.


New or changed configuration settings will be pushed automatically to all configuration-enabled IP domain managers only upon connect or reconnect. Once connected, you need to manually push settings by clicking the Push Settings button in the Polling and Thresholds Console. Disable the automatic update process until you are ready to push the primary settings to the IP Managers.