The Pending Devices list contains five columns that provide the following information for each system:

  • Hostname or IP address of the system that could not be discovered.

  • Type, which is one of the system types

  • State is either UNDISCOVERED or THROTTLED, as described in Discovery states.

  • Non-SNMP is a checkbox for indicating that the system does not support SNMP.

  • Comment describes why the system is on the Pending Devices list, or contains the system’s SysDescr value of the system if the current system limit has been exceeded.

    Discovery states describes the discovery states and the actions you can take to resolve the situation.

Table 1. Discovery states

Discovery state


Available actions


Indicates that the system was not successfully discovered. Another attempt to discover the system will occur when the Pending Devices list is processed during the next pending discovery interval.

  • Designate the system as one that does not support SNMP. The system will be reclassified as a Host during the next pending discovery interval.

  • Rediscover the system.

  • Remove the system.


Indicates that the system was autodiscovered with manual accept mode enabled, and placed on the Pending Devices list.

  • Accept the system and it will be discovered at the next full discovery, pending discovery, or rediscovery.

  • Remove the system.