The following commented-out lines are the predefined FORWARD statements for IP Availability Manager and IP Performance Manager in the trapd.conf file:

# Traps required by InCharge IP Availability Manager (AM)
# Generic: coldStart, warmStart, LinkUp, LinkDown
#FORWARD: * .* <0-3> * host:port
# Cisco: STACK module inserted, removed
#FORWARD: * . 6 <3-4> host:port
# 3Com: CoreBuilder 9000 module inserted
#FORWARD: * . 6 6 host:port
# AI: SLC card down, up
#FORWARD: * . 6 10 host:port
#FORWARD: * . 6 111 host:port
#FORWARD: * . 6 10 host:port
#FORWARD: * . 6 111 host:port
# Cisco ISDN demandNbrLayer2Change
#FORWARD: * . 6 3 host:port
# Cisco cHsrpStateChange
#FORWARD: * . 6 1 host:port
# Traps required by InCharge IP Performance Manager (PM)
# Cisco: EnvMon Voltage, Temperature, Fan, RedundantSupply
#FORWARD: * . 6 <2-5> host:port
FORWARD: *.*.*.* .* <0-3> * AM_HOST-NAME:AM-PORT
# Traps for Trap Receiver and Adapter Platform
# Forward just IPv4 traps to the IP Availability Manager
FORWARD: *.*.*.* .* * * <host>:<port>
# Forward just IPv6 traps to the IP Availability Manager 
FORWARD: *:*:* .* * * <host>:<port>
# Forward all IPv4 and IPv6 traps to the IP Availability Manager
FORWARD: * .* * * <host>:<port>
# Traps for <satellite Domain Manager name>
<Add your matching criteria for the traps and the forwarding destination: the <host IP address/hostname>:<trap port number> of the satellite Domain Manager.>