The Environment threshold setting configures the monitoring of a system’s environmental conditions. System components such as the fan, memory, power supply, temperature sensor, and voltage sensor objects are monitored.

Default values for the Environment threshold setting lists the Environment threshold setting parameters.

Table 1. Default values for the Environment threshold setting





0 to 100%

Default: 10%

How close the current temperature value can be to the value that triggers an emergency shutdown, expressed as a percentage of the emergency shutdown value. For example, if the shutdown temperature is 50 degrees C and the RelativeTemperatureThreshold is 10%, the OutOfRange event is notified if the temperature exceeds 45 degrees C.


0 to 5%

Default: 0%

How close the current voltage value can be to the value that triggers an emergency shutdown, expressed as a percentage of the emergency shutdown value. For example, if the shutdown value is +30V, and the RelativeVoltageThreshold is 10%, the OutOfRange event is notified if the voltage exceeds +27V.


0 to 100 degrees C

Default: 50 degrees C

High threshold value of the temperature sensor, in degrees C.


True, False

Default: True

This variable allows for using thresholds defined in the SNMP agent instead of manually set ones.

When the threshold value is available in the MIB for sensors, then this attribute value decides if that should be used. If the value is set to True and the MIB thresholds are not available for the sensor, then the threshold values defined in the Environment threshold settings are used.


0 to 100 volts

Default: 5 volts

High threshold value of the voltage sensor test point, in volts.


0 to 100 volts

Default: 1 volt

Low threshold value of the voltage sensor test point, in volts.