The Processor and Memory threshold setting configures the performance monitoring of a system’s processor and its associated memory objects. Parameters in this setting control the notification of these faults:

Table 1. Default values for the Processor and Memory threshold setting


Default value



0 to 100%

Default: 80%

Upper threshold for a switch’s backplane utilization expressed as a percentage of the total backplane bandwidth.


0 to 100%

Default: 15%

Lower threshold for the acceptable amount of free memory as measured by the ratio of free memory to the total memory.


0 to 100%

Default: 10%

Upper threshold for the number of buffer misses, expressed as a percentage of the total number of buffer requests.


0 to 100%

Default: 90%

Upper threshold for the number of buffers that are used, expressed as a percentage of the total number of buffers.


0 to 100%

Default: 5%

Lower threshold for memory fragmentation. The fragmentation value is the ratio of the largest number of contiguous unallocated bytes to the total amount of free memory. For example, a value of 5 indicates that the largest free buffer must be at least 5% of the free memory.


0 to 100%

Default: 90%

Upper threshold for processor utilization, expressed as a percentage of the total capacity of the processor.