Events detected by IP Availability Manager lists the events detected by IP Availability Managerfor each managed object and used as symptoms to diagnose root-cause problems. The table also shows the associated thresholds for the events.
Managed object |
Event (symptom) |
Threshold (setting) |
Subscribed to by the Global Manager |
System |
DiscoveryError |
None |
Yes |
MightBeDown |
None |
Unresponsive |
None |
Yes |
DiscoveryInProgress |
Physical Package |
OperationallyDown |
None |
Card |
OperationallyDown |
None |
SwitchOver |
Yes |
Network adapter |
BackupActivated |
MaximumUptime (Backup Interface Support) |
Yes |
ExceededMaximumUptime |
MaximumUptime (Backup Interface Support or Dial-On-Demand Interface Support) |
Yes |
AdministrativelyDown |
None |
DownOrFlapping |
LinkTrapThreshold LinkTrapWindow (Interface/Port Flapping) |
OperationallyDown |
None |
Device connection |
DownOrFlapping |
See DownOrFlapping for network adapters |
Yes |
IP |
Down |
None |
Yes |
Unresponsive |
Yes |
SlowResponseTime |
DuplicateIP |
Duplicate |
None |
Yes |
IPv6 |
Down |
None |
Yes |
Unresponsive |
Yes |
DuplicateIPv6 |
Duplicate |
None |
DuplicateVPNIP |
Duplicate |
None |
HSRPEndpoint |
SwitchOver |
None |
Yes |
HSRPGroup |
SwitchOverFailed |
None |
SNMPAgent |
Unresponsive |
None |
RepeatedRestarts |
RestartTrapThreshold RestartTrapWindow (Connectivity) |
Redundancy group |
AllComponentsDown |
AtRiskThreshold (set to 1 by default) |
Yes |
AtRisk |
Yes |
ReducedRedundancy |
Yes |
STPNode |
stpPortStateChange |
None |
VRRPGroup |
SwitchOverFailed |
None |
VRRPEndpoint |
SwitchOver |
None |
Chassis |
HighBackplaneUtilization |
Yes |
Yes |
Card |
SwitchOver |
None |
Yes |
Problems, events and Notification summary for IP Availability Manager provides a summary of the root-cause problems diagnosed by IP Availability Manager, the events correlated by IP Availability Managerto diagnose problems, and the notifications that are imported by the Global Managerfrom IP Availability Manager.