The tpmgr-param.conf file contains configuration parameters that you edit to customize IP Manager discovery. The parameters are a subset of table entries that are defined for the ICF-TopologyManager object.

Use the parameters in this file to accomplish such tasks as disabling the discovery of certain interfaces or ports, enabling the discovery of topology collection sets for satellite Domain Managers, and changing the operation of the IP Manager to be backward compatible with earlier versions of satellite Domain Managers.

Parameters in the tpmgr-param.conf file describes the parameters in the tpmgr-param.conf file.


The parameters and their values are case-sensitive.

Table 1. Parameters in the tpmgr-param.conf file






Default: TRUE

Controls whether shadow IP objects and shadow IPNetwork objects are created:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that shadow objects are created.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that shadow objects are not created.

This parameter is used for backward compatibility so that the current version of the IP Manager is able to work with earlier versions of satellite Domain Managers.

Interface pattern filters

Not applicable

Filters that prevent the IP Manager from creating certain interfaces for certain discovered devices. Interface pattern filters are described in Chapter 7, ”Excluding Device-Access Interfaces.”



Default: FALSE

Controls whether the IP Manager uses a certain method, or heuristic, to create tunnel connections:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that the IP Manager uses the method to create tunnel connections.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that the IP Manager does not use the method to create tunnel connections.

The EnableTunnelHeuristic parameter provides a method to create tunnel connections between tunnel endpoints by matching tunnel logical interfaces; for example, create a tunnel connection between tunnel endpoint A on Router A and tunnel endpoint B on Router B, where each tunnel endpoint has the same tunnel logical interface, say 1234.

The EnableTunnelHeuristic parameter was introduced at a time when enterprise MIB support for the tunneling technologies, such as Internet Protocol Security (IPSec), Internet Key Exchange (IKE), and Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE), was not available. Now that enterprise MIB support is available for the tunneling technologies, you should accept the default value for this parameter.



Default: FALSE

Controls whether LinkUp traps set the OperStatus to UP:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that LinkUp traps set the OperStatus to UP.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that LinkUp traps do not set the OperStatus to UP.



Default: TRUE

Controls whether the IP Manager identifies routing-protocol-enabled devices and creates routing-protocol topology collection sets for import by the Network Protocol Manager:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that the IP Manager does not identify routing-protocol-enabled devices and does not create network-protocol topology collection sets.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that the IP Manager identifies routing-protocol-enabled devices and creates network-protocol topology collection sets.

    For Network Protocol Manager for BGP, the IP Manager stores the BGP topology collection set in instances of the BGP_TopologyCollection class.

    For Network Protocol Manager for OSPF, the IP Manager stores the OSPF topology collection set in instances of the OSPF_TopologyCollection class.

    For Network Protocol Manager for EIGRP, the IP Manager stores the EIGRP topology collection set in instances of the EIGRP_TopologyCollection class.

    For Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS, the IP Manager stores the IS-IS topology collection set in instances of the ISIS_TopologyCollection class.

By importing a routing-protocol topology collection set, Network Protocol Manager will probe only those devices that support the relevant routing protocol, which significantly reduces the discovery time for Network Protocol Manager.

“Enabling light discovery for satellite Domain Managers” on page 61 clarifies the use of the DisableProtocolDiscovery parameter.



Default: TRUE

Controls whether the IP Manager identifies MPLS-enabled devices and creates an MPLS topology collection set for import by MPLS Manager:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that the IP Manager does not identify MPLS-enabled devices and does not create an MPLS topology collection set.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that the IP Manager identifies MPLS-enabled devices and creates an MPLS topology collection set.

    The IP Manager stores the MPLS topology collection set in instances of the MPLS_TopologyCollection class.

By importing an MPLS topology collection set, MPLS Manager will probe only those devices that support MPLS, which significantly reduces the discovery time for MPLS Manager.

“Enabling light discovery for satellite Domain Managers” on page 61 clarifies the use of the DisableMPLSDiscovery parameter.



Default: TRUE

Controls whether the IP Manager discovers MPLS-related VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) IP addresses and performs IP tagging:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that the IP Manager does not discover VRF IP addresses and thus does not perform IP tagging.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that the IP Manager discover s VRF IP addresses and performs IP tagging.

When DisableOverlappingIP = FALSE, all discovered VRF IP objects are subject to IP tagging.



List of MPLS OID's required to be polled in order to create a MPLS topology collection. Use the syntax below, separating each entry with a PIPE(|)] while adding new OID's in to below list.

PollableMPLSOids .|.|.|.



Default: TRUE

Controls whether the IP Manager creates interface-to-interface connections between two devices that are Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) neighbors across LAN segments:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that the IP Manager creates connections between the CDP-peer interfaces.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that the IP Manager does not create connections between the CDP-peer interfaces.



Default: FALSE

Controls whether user-defined connections overwrite discovered connections:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that user-defined connections overwrite discovered connections.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that user-defined connections do not overwrite discovered connections.


Default: {32,30,29,28,27,26,25,24,16,8}

Range of IPv4 subnetworks to try to find the best routing match.



Default: FALSE

Controls whether the IP Manager uses the ARP method, or heuristic, to find VPN-IPs (VRF IPs) that are not available in the IP address table (ipAddrTable):

  • A value of TRUE indicates that the IP Manager uses the ARP method to find VPN-IPs that are unavailable in the IP address table.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that the IP Manager does not use the ARP method to find VPN-IPs that are unavailable in the IP address table.

For a Provider Edge (PE) or multi-VRF Customer Edge (CE) device, multiple instances of the same IP address might be bound to different VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) tables on the device. When the EnableARPHeuristicForVPNIP parameter is set to TRUE, the IP Manager accesses the device’s Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table MIB to find and instantiate multiple instances of that same IP address.

Prerequisites for setting EnableARPHeuristicForVPNIP to TRUE:

  • Overlapping IP address discovery is enabled.



Default: FALSE

Controls whether the IP Manager compares the IP and MAC sets of newly discovered systems with the IP and MAC sets of existing systems, to determine whether a newly discovered system is a duplicate of an existing system (an already discovered system) or is in fact a new system:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that the IP Manager does not compare the IP and MAC sets of newly discovered systems with the IP and MAC sets of existing systems.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that the IP Manager compares the IP and MAC sets of newly discovered systems with the IP and MAC sets of existing systems.

When the IgnoreIPForPersistentMgmtState parameter is set to TRUE, the IP Manager uses a method other than the comparison of IP and MAC sets to determine whether a newly discovered system is a duplicate system or a new system. The IP Manager discards any newly discovered system that is a duplicate. And, for a newly discovered system that is a duplicate but has a different resolved name because of a different DNS entry or a different sysName, the IP Manager uses that name to rename the existing device.



Default: TRUE

Controls whether a nonprivate IP address is to be used as the name for the NameFormat TM_USENONPRIVATEIP parameter in case nonprivate IPs cannot be resolved:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that a nonprivate IP address is to be used as the name for the NameFormat TM_USENONPRIVATEIP parameter in case nonprivate IPs cannot be resolved.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that a nonprivate IP address is not to be used as the name for the NameFormat TM_USENONPRIVATEIP parameter in case nonprivate IPs cannot be resolved.

The NameFormat TM_USENONPRIVATEIP parameter is an AutoNameOrder parameter that is described in GUID-5CFBAF29-28E1-42B4-AD39-485BE0612624.html#GUID-5CFBAF29-28E1-42B4-AD39-485BE0612624___REFERENCE_CONFIG_SETTINGS_68398.

A nonprivate IP address is 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x.x.



Default: FALSE

Controls whether a private IP address is to be used as the name for the NameFormat TM_USEPRIVATEIP parameter in case private IPs cannot be resolved:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that a private IP address is to be used as the name for the NameFormat TM_USEPRIVATEIP parameter in case private IPs cannot be resolved.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that a private IP address is not to be used as the name for the NameFormat TM_USEPRIVATEIP parameter in case private IPs cannot be resolved.

The NameFormat TM_USEPRIVATEIP parameter is an AutoNameOrder parameter that is described in GUID-5CFBAF29-28E1-42B4-AD39-485BE0612624.html#GUID-5CFBAF29-28E1-42B4-AD39-485BE0612624___REFERENCE_CONFIG_SETTINGS_68398.



Default: FALSE

Controls whether a local IP is to be discovered from the ipNetToMediaPhysAddress MIB:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that a local IP is to be discovered from the ipNetToMediaPhysAddress MIB.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that a local IP is not to be discovered from the ipNetToMediaPhysAddress MIB.



Default: TRUE

Enables or disables the discovery of VLANs for which trunk ports on the discovered system are enabled:

  • A value of TRUE enables the discovery of VLANs for which trunk ports are enabled.

  • A value of FALSE disables the discovery of VLANs for which trunk ports are enabled.

When the DiscoverCiscoTrunkPortVLANs parameter is set to TRUE, only configured VLANs for which trunk ports are enabled on the discovered system are discovered. Non-configured VLANs for which trunk ports are enabled are not discovered.

Trunk ports are defined in “Port Groups - Trunk Ports” on page 286.



Default: FALSE

Enables or disables the concatenation of the InterfaceAlias fields of the virtual routers on a Juniper ERX physical router into the InterfaceAlias field of the main router:

  • A value of TRUE enables the concatenation of the InterfaceAlias fields.

  • A value of FALSE disables the concatenation of the InterfaceAlias fields.



Default: FALSE

Enables or disables the logging of error messages to the IP Manager’s log file for a device (loopback) IP address that cannot be resolved to a name by the Domain Name System (DNS) during the initial phase of discovery:

  • A value of TRUE enables the logging of error messages for a device IP address that cannot be resolved to a name through DNS during autodiscovery.

  • A value of FALSE disables the logging of error messages for a device IP address that cannot be resolved to a name through DNS during autodiscovery.



Default: FALSE

Enables or disables the appending of '@default' to the community string that is used to query ERX physical routers:

  • A value of TRUE enables the appending of '@default' to the community string that is used to query ERX physical routers.

  • A value of FALSE disables the appending of '@default' to the community string that is used to query ERX physical routers.



Default: TRUE

Enables or disables interface discovery for the main router of Juniper ERX physical routers:

  • A value of TRUE enables interface discovery for the ERX main router.

  • A value of FALSE disables interface discovery for the ERX main router.


Default: localhost

The name or IP address of the host system where the SNMP Trap Adapter that is configured as a trap receiver is running.

“Enabling the SystemRestarted event” on page 65 and “Enabling the ConfigChange event” on page 68 clarify the use of this parameter.


Default: 162

The port on the host system where the SNMP Trap Adapter that is configured as a trap receiver is running.

“Enabling the SystemRestarted event” on page 65 and “Enabling the ConfigChange event” on page 68 clarify the use of this parameter.



Default: FALSE

Controls whether the IP Manager generates ConfigChange events:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that the IP Manager generates ConfigChange events.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that the IP Manager does not generate ConfigChange events.

When the IP Manager generates a ConfigChange event, it adds the device that caused the event to the Pending Devices list.

“Enabling the ConfigChange event” on page 68 clarifies the use of this parameter.



Default: FALSE

Controls whether the IP Manager generates SystemRestarted events:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that the IP Manager generates SystemRestarted events.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that the IP Manager does not generate SystemRestarted events.

When the IP Manager generates a SystemRestarted event, it adds the device that caused the event to the Pending Devices list.

“Enabling the SystemRestarted event” on page 65 clarifies the use of this parameter.



Default: FALSE

Controls whether the IP Manager creates Layer 2 (L2) network connection when CidrRoute is used as the neighbor probe:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that the IP Manager creates an L2 network connection when CidrRoute is used as the neighbor probe.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that the IP Manager does not create an L2 network connection when CidrRoute is used as the neighbor probe.



Default: TRUE

Controls whether the IP Manager identifies Multicast-enabled devices and creates a Multicast topology collection set for import by Multicast Manager:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that the IP Manager does not identify Multicast-enabled devices and does not create a Multicast topology collection set.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that the IP Manager identifies Multicast-enabled devices and creates a Multicast topology collection set.

    The IP Manager stores the Multicast topology collection set in instances of the MCAST_TopologyCollection class.

By importing a Multicast topology collection set, Multicast Manager will probe only those devices that support the Multicast protocol, which significantly reduces the discovery time for Multicast Manager.

“Enabling light discovery for satellite Domain Managers” on page 61 clarifies the use of the DisableMulticastDiscovery parameter.



Default: FALSE

Controls whether the IP Manager generates NetworkDeviceConnection Disabled notifications:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that the IP Manager generates NetworkDeviceConnection Disabled notifications.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that the IP Manager does not generate NetworkDeviceConnection Disabled notifications.



Default: FALSE

Controls the DNS lookup during a reconfiguration:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that DNS lookup is used during a reconfiguration.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that DNS lookup is not used during a reconfiguration.

A value of FALSE improves discovery time.

If you have frequent DNS changes and a full discovery takes a long time, you can set the value to TRUE to synchronize the AgentAddressList. A value of TRUE in combination with a misconfigured DNS can result in a long discovery time and possibly incorrect results.



Default: FALSE

Enables or disables the discovery of IPSec tunnels:

  • A value of TRUE enables the discovery of IPSec tunnels.

  • A value of FALSE disables the discovery of IPSec tunnels.

Discovery of IPSec tunnels is described in the IP Management Suite Discovery Guide.




Default: FALSE

Enables or disables the transcoding of SJIS encoded Japanese Characters to Unicode UTF-8 encoded characters:

  • A value of TRUE enables the transcoding of SJIS encoded Japanese Characters to Unicode UTF-8 encoded characters.

  • A value of FALSE disables the transcoding of SJIS encoded Japanese Characters to Unicode UTF-8 encoded characters.




Default: FALSE

Controls whether the IP Manager monitors interface performance for a device when the following two conditions are in effect:

  • Interfaces have maximum speed (MaxSpeed) greater than 20 megabits per second (Mbps).

  • No 64-bit counters are available in the device’s MIB.

Valid values are TRUE and FALSE:

  • A value of TRUE forces the IP Manager to use 32-bit counters to monitor greater-than-20-Mbps interfaces when 64-bit counters are not available in the MIB.

  • A value of FALSE allows the IP Manager to resort to its default behavior: Do not monitor greater-than-20-Mbps interfaces when 64-bit counters are not available in the MIB.

When you set the value to TRUE, and no 64-bit counters are available in the MIB, the IP Manager will monitor interfaces within a MaxSpeed range of greater than 20 Mbps and less than 100 Mbps.


When 64-bit counters (high-capacity octets) are present, MIB-II and MIB-II IF-MIB instrumentation is implemented. When 64-bit counters are not present, only MIB-II instrumentation is implemented.




Default: FALSE

If the MIB table (64 bit octet) counters are empty and the values for the FallbackInterfaceMonitoringToMIB2 and MonitorHostGigaInterfaceByMIB2 parameters are set to TRUE, then system will force all host GB interfaces to be instrumented by MIB2. This option work only for HOST interfaces.




Default: FALSE

Controls whether the IP Manager discovers Cisco switch ports that are connected to a Cisco IP phone:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that the IP Manager does not discover Cisco switch ports that are connected to a Cisco IP phone.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that the IP Manager discovers Cisco switch ports that are connected to a Cisco IP phone.




Default: FALSE

Controls whether the IP Manager discovers Cisco switch ports that have no connection or do not connect to anything:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that the IP Manager does not discover Cisco switch ports that have no connection.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that the IP Manager discovers Cisco switch ports that have no connection.




Default: FALSE

Controls whether the IP Manager uses the value of ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable (. to manage or unmanage Cisco switch ports:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that the IP Manager uses the value of ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable to manage or unmanage Cisco switch ports.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that the IP Manager does not use the value of ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable to manage or unmanage Cisco switch ports.




Default: TRUE

Controls whether the IP Manager invokes performance probes at startup:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that the IP Manager does not invoke performance probes at startup.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that the IP Manager invokes performance probes at startup.




Default: TRUE

Controls whether the IP Manager creates system-level connections, based on CDP and Bridge MIB data, for Linux bonded logical interfaces that are connected to multiple ports:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that the IP Manager creates system-level connections for the Linux bonded logical interfaces that are connected to multiple ports.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that the IP Manager does not create system-level connections for Linux bonded logical interfaces that are connected to multiple ports.




Default: TRUE

Controls whether the IP Manager creates system-level connections for backplane-connected cards:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that the IP Manager does not create system-level connections for backplane-connected cards.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that the IP Manager creates system-level connections for backplane-connected cards.

The Global Manager includes the system-level connections in Physical Connectivity maps in order to show the relationship between backplane-connected cards and the physical packages that enclose the cards. For example, to show the relationship between a route switch module (RSM) card and the Cisco 6509 Catalyst switch that encloses the RSM.




Default: FALSE

Enables or disables the Unmanaged Administratively Down feature:

  • A value of TRUE enables the Unmanaged Administratively Down feature: the IP Manager does not discover IP objects that are layered over an administratively down interface.

  • A value of FALSE disables the Unmanaged Administratively Down feature: the IP Manager discovers IP objects that are layered over an administratively down interface.

When the Unmanaged Administratively Down feature is enabled, the DisableOverlappingIP parameter in the tpmgr-param.conf file should be set to TRUE (default) to disable the IP tagging feature.

The IP Management Suite Discovery Guide provides more information about the Unmanaged Administratively Down feature.




Default: FALSE

Controls whether the IP Manager creates loopback interface (iftype=24) groups:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that the IP Manager creates loopback interface groups.

    The IP Manager stores the loopback interface groups in instances of the LoopBack_InterfaceCollection class.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that the IP Manager does not create loopback interface groups.




Default: FALSE

This flag applies to NetSNMP Agent discovery. It controls the memory instance creation for the host when the memory information is present in both NetSNMP MIB as well as Host Resources MIB.

  • A value of TRUE indicates that the Host Resource MIB is used to create the memory instance.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that the NetSNMP MIB is used to create the memory instance.

The memory details in the vendor-specific MIB (compaq) takes precedence over Host Resources MIB. This flag is used to resolve the precedence between Host Resource MIB and NetSNMP MIB.


Default: 1

If the number of Bridges (MAC) relationships for a port equals or exceeds the value of the NoOfAccessPortBridgesMAC parameter, the IP Manager identifies the port as a trunk port, as opposed to an access port.

The purpose of this parameter is to enable the IP Manager to identify trunk ports more quickly. Trunk ports are defined in “Port Groups - Trunk Ports” on page 286.


NoOfAccessPortBridgesMAC should remain 1 and should not be removed from the tpmgr-param.conf file.



Default: TRUE

Controls whether the IP Manager identifies VoIP-enabled devices and creates a VoIP topology collection set for import by VoIP Availability Manager:

  • A value of TRUE indicates that the IP Manager does not identify VoIP-enabled devices and does not create a VoIP topology collection set.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that the IP Manager identifies VoIP-enabled devices and creates a VoIP topology collection set.

    The IP Manager stores the VoIP topology collection set in instances of the VOIP_TopologyCollection class.

By importing a VoIP topology collection set, VoIP Availability Manager will probe only those devices that support VoIP, which significantly reduces the discovery time for VoIP Availability Manager.

“Enabling light discovery for satellite Domain Managers” on page 61 clarifies the use of the DisableVOIPDiscovery parameter.



Default: TRUE

By default, IP 8x versions allow for asynchronous SNMP (ASNMP) requests. Setting the value of this parameter to FALSE disables asynchronous requests for all the devices. If the user wants to enable synchronous SNMP requests for specific device models, only then configure the DoNotUseASNMPPattern paramerter. Currently only MIB2 is supported.



Default: TRUE

Use the DoNotUseASNMPPattern parameter to enable synchronous SNMP requests for specific device models by specifying their system object ID (sysOID). To do this, uncomment the DoNotUseASNMPPattern parameter and add the list of sysOID entries, each separated by a pipe character (|). This is mostly used for slower SNMP agents which have problems with ASNMP.

For example:

#DoNotUseASNMPPattern: .|.



Default: 19

This parameter is used to configure the maximum number of OIDs per packet that can be sent using ASNMP.



Default: FALSE

This parameter, if set to TRUE, will find out if All the MACs are shared between two systems (only if the two systems share the same sysName and sysOID). If so, the two systems are assumed to be the same and one is deleted. By default, it is set to FALSE, which means, if any one MAC is shared between two systems, (only if the two systems share the same sysName and sysOID), one of the systems is deleted, since they are assumed to be identical.


-1 and a positive integer

Default: 10

The codebook for UnitaryComputerSystem's (Router, Switch, Host) Down problem include the MightBeDown symptom from the other UnitaryComputerSystems # that share a IPNetwork with it. Larger IPNetwork mean larger code book size and more system resources during correlation. And also, in this case, the MightBeDown symptom is not necessary to get proper correlation. Configuring the below flag customer can chose to exclude symptoms from IPNetwork. This is limit on the number of RelayDevices (Router, Switch) that are part of the IPNetwork. If the RelayDevice count is greater than this value then for that IPNetwork the symptoms from IPNetwork are not used in the UCS. Possible values for the flag are -1 and a positive integer. -1 is used to disable this functionality (In this case, irrespective of the IPNetwork size, the MightBeDown symptom is used). Default value suggested is 10.


This parameter allows you to enable or disable SNMP getBulk requests only for specific devices by sysOID. This setting overrides the value of SNMPGetBulkEnabled specified in the Discovery.conf

The syntax for this parameter is GetBulkPattern-<SysOID> <TRUE/FALSE>

For example:

GetBulkPattern-. TRUE

GetBulkPattern-. FALSE

GetBulkPattern-. TRUE


This parameter can be used to override the default value for SNMP getBulk timeouts during discovery. The format is SNMPGetBulkTimeoutOverride-<SysOID> <ratio>. The ratio is multiplied with defaultTimeout defined in the Discovery.conf

For example:

SNMPGetBulkTimeoutOverride-. 2

This will set the timeout to 2 * 1000 for getBulk if the value for defaultTimeout is 1000 in Discovery.conf.

GetBulkTimeoutOverrideRatio-. 2.5


This parameter can be used to override the default value for SNMP getBulk retries during discovery. The ratio is multiplied with defaultRetries defined in discovery.conf

The format is GetBulkRetriesOverrideRatio-<SysOID> <ratio>

For example:

GetBulkRetriesOverrideRatio-. 2

This will set the no of retries to 2 * 5 for getBulk if the value for defaultRetries is 5 in discovery.conf.

GetBulkRetriesOverrideRatio-. 1.5



Default: 10

This parameter controls the maximum number of UCS for which incremental reconfigure will run. For example, if the value is 10, then incremental reconfigure will run if the number of the last discovered UCS is less than or equal to 10, else BULK reconfigure will run, post discovery. This parameter is not used if reconfigure is invoked from the Console.




Default: TRUE

This parameter is used for enabling or disabling the NIC teaming functionality.



Default: 10

This parameter is used to prevent propagation of MightBeDown symptom between peer relay devices that are connected through the IPNetwork. These devices are not connected through a network connection or a cable or are not part of the same partition.

If a count of relay devices on a network is greater than the value set in this attribute, then for that network the symptoms from IP Network are not used. Instead, symptoms from network, cable and partition connections are used.


This parameter is used to define the Virtual MAC patterns used in makeBridgedMAC call to populate the Port->VirtualBridges relationship. These include HSRP, VRRP virtual MAC and VMWare registered MAC pattern.

For example: VirtualMACPattern 00-00-0C-07-AC-*|00-00-5E-00-01-*|00-05-69-*|00-0C-29-*|00-0C-14-*|00-50-56-*


This parameter is used to create interface and port based on the IFNamePattern.


String value

Default value: *CDROMFOO*

This parameter is used to prevent the creation of file system for the devices.




Default: False

  • A value of TRUE indicates that, the existiing connections will be retained on rediscovery when the trunk ports are down.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that, the existiing connections will not be retained on rediscovery when the trunk ports are down.




Default: FALSE

A value of TRUE indicates that, for LAPD ISDN interfaces, Layer 1 active state will not be considered as DOWN.




Default: FALSE

This parameter is used to decide whether Layer3SwitchPattern must be used to identify the Layer3 switches or not.




Default: FALSE

This parameter is used to enable or disable pruning of Systemless MAC addresses.




Default: TRUE

This parameter is used to create WAN connections by ic-post-wan-link.asl file.




Default: TRUE

This parameter is used to create WAN connections by ic-post-wan-link.asl file.




Default: TRUE

This parameter is used to create WAN connections by ic-post-wan-link.asl file.




Default: FALSE

This parameter is used to manage the VOIP handsets in VOIP Availability Manager.

A value of TRUE indicates that, the user can manage the VOIP handsets in VOIP Availability manager.




Default: FALSE

This parameter instruments all the IP addresses for ICMP ping.




Default: FALSE

This parameter is used to manage the port discovery for Juniper EX series.

  • A value of TRUE indicates that, this parameter will trigger the port discovery for Juniper EX series based on ifTable.

  • A value of FALSE indicates that, ports for Juniper EX series will be discoverd from BRIDGE MIB, LAG MIB & LLDP MIB.




Default: TRUE

Set the value of the parameter “EnableNexus1KvVMautoDiscovery” to TRUE. VMs attached to Nexus 1000V will be discovered automatically and placed in the IP pending list once the router and Nexus 1000V are discovered. You need to trigger the discovery manually from the Pending List. This feature also requires you to discover the Nexus 1000V and the connected adjacent Router or Layer 3 Switch. It does not require the option "Enable Auto Discovery" in the Topology tab to be enabled.




Default: TRUE

Disabling this flag stops the discovery of the wireless client.




Default: TRUE

Disabling this flag stops the short discovery of the wireless client.




Default: TRUE

Disabling this flag stops the short discovery of the Rogue AP.




Default: TRUE

Disabling this flag stops the VPC discovery of Nexus 5000 switches.


Default value:900 seconds


Value should be positive and greater than 300.

Sets the interval between successive WIFI short discoveries.


Decreasing the discovery interval will increase the CPU usage. If you decrease the short discovery interval, use small decrements and monitor your current CPU usage.




Default: TRUE

Disabling this flag will stop the Virtual Data Context (VDC) discovery in Nexus 5000 switches.


Provide the Read-only or Administrator VDC credentials under the CLI Access Group in Polling and Threshold > Device Access.

Parameters that can be added in tpmgr-param.conf lists the parameters that are provided by IP Manager. You can add these parameters in tpmgr-param.conf configuration file, to perform the operations as mentioned in the description column.


These parameters are not available in any configuration file.

Table 2. Parameters that can be added in tpmgr-param.conf







Default: FALSE

This parameter is used to control the new tagged IP feature in 7.0.

A value of TRUE indicates that VPNIP and VPNIPNetwork objects are created instead of tagged IP.




Default: FALSE

A value of TRUE indicates that, the sysName is resolved to IP address. If one of the IP addresses is among the IP table, the IP address is resolved to a DNS name. If the DNS name is different from the nodeName, then the node is deleted and the device has to be rediscovered.




Default: FALSE

A value of TRUE indicates that, the system name is taken from the SNMP agent’s seed name.




Default: FALSE

A value of TRUE indicates that, monitoring of STP nodes are enabled.




Default value: TRUE

A value of FALSE indicates that, VirtualTCP objects are created.




Default value: TRUE

A value of FALSE indicates that, the IP address is not added on the interface DisplayName.




Default value: FALSE

A value of TRUE indicates that, the word UNNUMBERED is added in the interface DisplayName if the interface does not have an IP address configured.




Default value: FALSE

A value of TRUE indicates that, IP Manager does not create IP objects for a router which has no IP addresses configured on it.


If a router is not configured with an IP address, IP manager creates a default IP address for the router.




Default value: FALSE

  • A value of TRUE indicates that, the naming convention used for partitions is Partition-<PartitionKey>

  • A value of FALSE indicates that, the naming convention used for partitions is Partition-<PartitionKey>/<IPDomainName>




Default value: FALSE

A value of TRUE indicates that, the AVAYA Server Port network connection is created.




Default value: FALSE

This parameter is used to validate if PTOP sub-interface is enabled or disabled.

A value of TRUE indicates that, PTOP sub-interface is enabled.



Default value: 23|<38-42>|57|78|87|91|92|200|219|237|300|309|310|318|322|1002|1008|1010

This parameter is used to include the ModuleType while creating the Card Redundancy. MIB OID . indicates the ModuleType of the Card Redundancy obtained from CiscoStackMIB.




Default value: FALSE

A value of TRUE indicates that, the values in the table Neighbor-Pair-Extreme-Edp are cleared after the Extreme Networks devices post-processing.




Default value: FALSE

This parameter is used to manage the interfaces.

A value of TRUE indicates that, interfaces will be managed.




Default: FALSE

A value of TRUE indicates that, IP Manager adds the device that generates the tcpConnectionClose trap.




Default: TRUE

A value of TRUE indicates that, IP Manager selectively ignore the query to .34 table (ipAddressTable) and only rely on the .20 table (ipAddrTable) or to disable the query to .34 table across the topology.


This flag must be used in combination of the Usedot34Addresses, if the Usedot34Addresses is set to FALSE, then only the dot34ExclusionPattern is considered. And then add the device SysOIDs to the below attribute separated by "|" (pipe) symbol. For those SysOIDs which are part of this attribute, SMARTS InChargeServer do not poll the .34 table (i.e ipAddressTable) and query the .20 table (ipAddrTable) to identify the interface index that has an IP address configured.