In the Device Access tab, you can:

  • Create a device access group as described in “Creating a device access group” on page 131

  • Modify tagging filters as described in “Modifying tagging filter values and creating tagging filter groups” on page 133

    Figure 1. Device Access tab

    Device Access tab shows the Device Access tab of a Polling and Thresholds Console connected to an IP Availability Manager instance named INCHARGE-AM. The right panel of the console identifies "CLI Access Setting" as the default setting for the default polling group named "CLI Access Group."

    The Device Access tab of the Polling and Thresholds Console connected to an IP Performance Manager, or connected to IP Availability Manager and IP Performance Manager running as a single process, is identical to what is shown in Device Access tab. The device access group and setting configurations are common to all IP Managers started from the same IP Manager installation area.