For Business Impact Manager to import business service and hierarchical group topology from its source Global Manager, you define business service and hierarchal group topology in the two text import datafiles or the single XML import datafile identified in Business service and hierarchal group import datafiles for Business Impact Manager. The datafiles are located in the Service Assurance installation area from which the source Global Manager is invoked.

Figure 1. Business service and hierarchal group import datafiles for Business Impact Manager

Whether you choose to use the two text import datafiles or the single XML import datafile to define service and group elements, the Global Manager will load the elements in the same way: At startup, the Global Manager loads the service and group elements and store them in its repository. “Specifying text or XML datafiles” on page 85 describes how to specify the import of text-format or XML-format import datafiles.

This section focuses on defining service and group elements in the and files, respectively. Defining service and group elements in the service-group-data.xml file is identical to defining service and group elements in the two text files except that the definitions are in XML format. The format of the service-group-data.xml file (and the service-group-data-sample.xml file) is defined in the BASEDIR/smarts/conf/ics/bim-config.dtd file.