A Domain Manager refers to an underlying analysis application, such as IP Availability Manager, Storage Insight for Availability, Adapter Platform, or other Global Manager that serves as a source of event and topology data. You specify these domains and the parameters that control the import of event and topology data in the domainconfig section of the ics-default.xml file.

The domainconfig section is divided into one or more domaintype subsections, each of which defines the configuration for one or more underlying domains. The following example shows the syntax of a domainconfig section when the underlying domain is IP Availability Manager:

            description="Type for AM-Suite"
            <hook enable="False">ics/dxa-sample-hook.asl</hook>

Parameters defining the domainconfig section describes the domainconfig parameters.

Table 1. Parameters defining the domainconfig section




Defines the domain name.


Defines the description of the domaintype.


Defines the data exchange file that corresponds to the underlying domain. A data exchange file ensures that Global Manager receives the correct event and topology data. The figure specifies the correct data exchange file for each product.


Defines the minimum value that the Certainty attribute must have before an event is sent to the Global Manager from the underlying domain. Events with a Certainty value below the threshold are discarded. This value must be a number between 0.0 and 0.99.

The default value is 0.01 for IP Availability Manager and IP Performance Manager. Otherwise the default is 0.24.


The MinimumCertainity parameter does not apply to underlying Adapter Platform servers or other Global Managers.


Defines the time, in seconds, an event must be active before it is sent to the Global Manager.

The default value is 65 seconds.


The SmoothingInterval parameter does not apply to underlying Adapter Platform servers or other Global Managers.


[Optional] Defines the name of an ASL script that modifies a notification. Typically, this is used to add information to one of the user-defined fields of a notification. Hook scripts must be located in the BASEDIR/smarts/local/rules directory. You must prefix the name of the script with the directory in which it is located, typically this is the ics directory.

For example, the ics/dxa-sample-hook.asl hook script is located in the BASEDIR/smarts/local/rules/ics directory.


The default ASL hook scripts are placeholders for a script you must provide. A hook script is not required unless you need to perform additional processing on the notifications coming from the underlying domain. “User-defined notification attributes” on page 115 describes possible uses for hook scripts.


Defines the name of the underlying domain. You can specify multiple domains with the same configuration by adding name parameters to the domaintype section. However, the value of each name parameter within a domaintype section must be unique.