To get a list of topology drivers, execute the following command:dmctl -b <broker-name> -s <server-name> getInstances GA_DaemonDriver

The advantages and disadvantages of running topology synchronization in each mode

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of each mode




Concurrent Synchronization

  • Topology is updated with little or no delay.

  • Post processing is refined which improves the performance of server.

  • Heavy load on server as topology synchronizations are triggered at higher frequency.

  • Memory growth might happen if overlapping topologies are synchronized at the same time.

Serial Synchronization

  • Server Load is less on server as only one sync will be active at any point.

  • No issues related to memory growth.

  • Topology may get updated with delay. Time delay is unpredictable as depends on how many domains are synchronizing at the same time.

  • Post processing gets invoked at the end of topology synchronization which might degrade the performance in large topology.

Fixed Interval

  • Topology synchronization can be scheduled based on server load pattern.

  • Time delay in topology update is predictable.

  • Topology is updated with delay.

mentioned in Advantages and disadvantages of each mode.

If there are overlapping topologies between two or more underlying domains and top level SAM is configured such that it is synchronizing with underlying domains concurrently, then it is recommended to either run the server in serial mode or start topology drivers at regular intervals. The guideline is to use the serial mode if there is more than 50% overlapping topology when synchronizations are triggered concurrently. When topology synchronization is set to operate in serial mode(non-default option), both import and post processing operations are considered as one atomic operation, and multiple topology synchronizations with underlying domains are executed serially.

Only one topology synchronization thread is executed at any point. This reduces the load on the server. The downside is a delay in completion of topology synchronization operation if multiple synchronizations are triggered at the same time.