ics-nl-processing parameters describes the ics-nl-processing parameters.

Table 1. ics-nl-processing parameters



default debug

If set to true, it prints all the messages under debug flag.

Default: FALSE

default detailDebug

If set to true, it prints all the messages under detail debug flag.

Default: FALSE

default debugDumpFields

If the value for this parameter is set to TRUE, then the system dumps the full notification for a particular underlying field for SAM or OI. This parameter only applies to SAM.

Default: FALSE

default debugIncoming

This flag is used to keep track of 1000 notifications from any particular underlying domain. If the value for this parameter is set to TRUE, a message is displayed when the 1000 notifications limit is reached.

Default: FALSE

default propagateImpacts

A value of TRUE, indicates that impacts are updated. This is usually set to FALSE to disable propagating of impacts in a high latency connection.

Default: TRUE

default getRemoteAttributes

If set to TRUE, the system copies attributes of the top level SAM from the underlying domain. In this case it will update each SAM topology instance with all the attributes from the corresponding underlying domain instance. This parameter is set through the configuartion file.

Default: FALSE

default noImpactChange

If there is any impact change for the event then this flag is set to false.

Default: TRUE

default noRootChange

If the root of the event is changed then this flag is set to true.

Default: FALSE

default updateImpactList

If set to true ,then impact list will be updated.

Default: FALSE

default broadcastEventState

This variable allows you to customize and bypass internal event storms.

Default: True

default timeoutTopoValue

This prevents topology synchronization operations waiting indefinitely.

Default: 600 seconds