To create a domain:

  1. From the Global Manager Administration Console, click Edit > New Domain.

    The Domain Creation Wizard appears.

  2. Type the name of the domain server in the Domain Name field.

  3. Type the description of the domain in the Domain Description field, and click Next.


    To create a domain using the Copy Existing option, select an existing domain server from the Copy Existing list, type a Domain Name, and click Finish.

  4. Click the domain type. Available options include:

    • Use Default Type


      This option is available only when copying an existing domain.

      • Create New Type

        If this option is selected, type the name of the domain type in the Type Name field.

      To copy an existing domain type, select an existing domain type from the Copy Existing list.

      • Select Existing Type

        If this option is selected, select a domain type from the Select Type list.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Type the tag string in the Tag String field.


    If a tag string is not specified, go to step 12.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Click the appropriate option. Available options include:

    • Use Default Tag


      This option only appears when a copied domain is selected or when the selected domain has an assigned tag.

      • Create New Tag

      Type a name in the Tag Type Name field. To copy an existing tag, select a tag from the Copy Existing list.

      • Select Existing Tag

      Select a tag from the Select Tag list.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Type description in the Tag Description field.

  11. Type a matching tag pattern in the Matching Pattern field.

  12. Click Next.

  13. Select the groups this domain belongs to from the Available Groups list.

  14. Click the group’s role. Available options include:

    • Topology Server

      • Monitoring Server

      • Analysis Server


        This step is only required if configured groups exist.

  15. Click Add to move the group to the Selected Groups list.

  16. Click Next.

    The instance that will be created when the domain creation process is complete is displayed.


    By default, the domain is enabled. If the domain is part of a domain group, it is only enabled if the domain group it belongs to is enabled. To disable the domain, clear its checkbox.

  17. Click Finish.