Each of the available Client Consoles has different deployment considerations.

Typically, the Global Console is deployed by installing VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance software on the user’s system, but the Global Console can also be accessed by using the server software on the user’s system when the Global Console runs on a remote UNIX server. the client that displays the application does not require Java.

The Web Console can be deployed in two ways:

  • As a typical Java applet where the HTML and JAR files are located on the host where the Business Dashboard is installed. When a user opens the Web Console, the JAR files are loaded over the network to the user’s Web browser.

  • By using Java Web Start, which integrates the Web Console with the user’s desktop. This enables users to start the Web Console directly from their desktop without using a Web browser.

    With both methods, the JAR files are loaded over the network during the initial connection but then saved to the user’s local system. Subsequent connections use the cached files to optimize the use of network resources.

    An installation of the Business Dashboard includes the Tomcat Servlet Engine, which is necessary to serve the JAR files and map layout servlet. The servlet engine is installed as the Servlet Engine service on the system where you install the Business Dashboard. If you wish to serve Dashboard viewlets from a different Web server, you must install the Business Dashboard to obtain the necessary files.