NOTIF allows you to filter and forward events and perform other event management configuration through Event Configuration Information (ECI) objects. The event configuration features of NOTIF replace the trap_mgr.conf file in the Adapter Platform (OI) server shown in Overlay of NOTIF functions on Adapter Platform architecture, which performs the event filtering and determines which traps are forwarded for further processing. The NOTIF functions are overlaid on the standard Service Assurance Manager Adapter Platform architecture as shown in Overlay of NOTIF functions on Adapter Platform architecture. NOTIF can be installed on an Adapter Platform server or a SAM server.

NOTIF also allows you to process notifications through Notification Configuration Information (NCI) objects. The notification processing features of NOTIF replace the internal notification processing in the Adapter Platform or SAM server, depending on where NOTIF is installed, as shown in Overlay of NOTIF functions on Adapter Platform architecture.


NOTIF architecture on page 17 provides details on ECI and NCI objects.

Figure 1. Overlay of NOTIF functions on Adapter Platform architecture