This section helps you in editing certain parameters for Alarming Notifications to flow in Operational UI Notification log view.


  1. Go to SAM installed location: /opt/InCharge/SAM/smarts/bin.
  2. To enable or disable the alarm notifications, edit the alert_svc_msg.conf file using sm_edit command.
    For example, ./sm_edit ../conf/icoi/alert_svc_msg.conf.
  3. To enable an alarm, set the following parameter to True which is the default value. To disable an alarm, modify the value from True to False. If you change the value, then you must restart the OI server.
  4. Generate certificates and get the username and password for the Kafka Access Settings Credential. To get the certificates Scram username and password, run the following commands.
    a) kubectl get secret edge-cluster-ca-cert -o jsonpath='{\.crt}' | base64 --decode > ca.crt	
    b) kubectl get secret edge-cluster-ca-cert -o jsonpath='{\.password}' | base64 --decode > ca.password 
    c) export PASSWORD=`cat ca.password` 
    d) keytool -noprompt -importcert -alias strimzi-kafka-cert -file ca.crt -keystore cacerts -keypass $PASSWORD -storepass $PASSWORD
    e) export USER_NAME=kafka-scram-sha-512-client-credentials
    f) export SCRAM_PASSWORD_FILE_PATH=user-scram.password
    g) kubectl get secret $USER_NAME -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode > $SCRAM_PASSWORD_FILE_PATH

    Copy the ca certificates file generated in step d to SAM installation.

  5. Provide the Domain Manager node IP address in which gateway Kafka is running.
    For more information on how to configure the Kafka Access Settings Credential, see Add Kafka Access Settings Credentials. To fill some of the fields in the Kafka Access Settings Credential UI, refer to the following table.
    Kafka Access Settings Credential UI Fields Value
    Domain Type OI Server
    Login Id kafka-scram-sha-512-client-credentials
    Password SCRAM password value required for generating the certificates.
    Trust Store Location Location in SAM installation where the generated cacerts file is copied.
    Trust Store Password Password value required for generating the ca certificates.
  6. In Global manager administration console of SAM, enable INCHARGE-OI in Aggregate SAM then enable INCHARGE-SA (Aggregate SAM) in Presentation SAM.