In this example, IP Availability Manager:

  • Diagnoses a NetworkConnection Down problem.

  • Generates a NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping event as an impact of the NetworkConnection Down problem.

  • Exports the NetworkConnection Down problem and the NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping event to the Global Manager.

  • Exports a NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping event to MPLS Manager.

    MPLS Manager:

  • Receives the NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping event from IP Availability Manager.

  • Detects an impaired VRF_A and an impaired VRF_B for which the NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping event is associated with at least one of the interfaces that are underlying the impaired VRFs.

    In addition, from the following PartOf relationships, VPN_A and VPN_B become impaired:

  • VRF_A
    1. PartOf

  • VPN_A
    1. ComposedOf

  • VRF_B
    1. PartOf

  • VPN_B
    1. ComposedOf

    VRF_ B

    As indicated in GUID-A9CDD722-68AE-4F0D-8AB0-645A18BC8A15.html#GUID-A9CDD722-68AE-4F0D-8AB0-645A18BC8A15___MPLS_USER_CROSS_COR_EVENT_42943, MPLS Manager perceives the NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping event as a problem.

    MPLS Manager then:

  • Generates the following four events:

    • VRF_A Impacted

    • VRF_B Impacted

    • VPN_A Impacted

    • VPN_B Impacted

  • Generates a NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping problem.

  • Correlates the four events with the NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping problem and marks the events as impacts of the problem.

  • Exports the NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping problem and the four events to the Global Manager.

    The Global Manager:

  • Receives the NetworkConnection Down problem and the NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping event from IP Availability Manager.

  • Receives the NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping problem and the four events from MPLS Manager.

  • Combines the NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping event from IP Availability Manager with the NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping problem from MPLS Manager to form one notification that has two sources.

  • Associates the NetworkConnection DownOrFlapping notification as an impact of the NetworkConnection Down notification.

  • Associates the four event notifications from MPLS Manager as impacts of the NetworkConnection Down notification.