The BGP Session Flapping setting for the BGP Protocol Endpoints threshold group controls the flapping analysis. BGP Session Flapping setting parameters and their values lists the BGP Session Flapping setting parameters.

Table 1. BGP Session Flapping setting parameters and their values


Default value



0 to any positive integer in minutes

Default: 60 minutes

Length of time to wait before clearing a Flapping event for a BGP session.

The length of time should be set to a value that is greater than the value of the Trap_Time_Window. Exception: A value of 0 disables the clearing of Flapping events, meaning that Flapping events will remain active indefinitely.


You can manually clear Flapping events at any time by setting the Trap_Count_Threshold or Trap_Time_Window parameter to 0 and then clicking the Reconfigure toolbar button. The Reconfigure toolbar button is described in GUID-8764FDCA-5C20-4048-8B6E-CD11C7F2F85A.html#GUID-8764FDCA-5C20-4048-8B6E-CD11C7F2F85A___NPM_CONFIG_GROUPS_INTRO_18051.


0 to any positive integer

Default: 0

Number of SNMP bgpEstablished traps that must be received within the Trap_Time_Window for Network Protocol Manager for BGP to consider a BGP protocol endpoint flapping.

A value of 0 disables flapping analysis.


0 to any positive integer in seconds

Default: 30 seconds

Window of time within which the minimum number of bgpEstablished traps must be received for Network Protocol Manager for BGP to consider a BGP protocol endpoint flapping.

When the number of received bgpEstablished traps equals or exceeds the Trap_Count_Threshold during this window of time, the endpoint is considered to be flapping.

A value of 0 disables flapping analysis.