To name a discovered OSPF object, Network Protocol Manager for OSPF uses the appropriate naming format in Naming formats for discovered OSPF objects to assign the object a unique name. It then populates the object’s Name and DisplayName attributes with that name.

Table 1. Naming formats for discovered OSPF objects


Naming format

1**This object type is not imported by the Global Manager.


Name:OSPF-AREA-<32-bit area identifier>[/<tag value>]

An OSPF area that has a tag value in its name indicates that the area consists of OSPF interfaces that are layered over IP addresses that are tagged with that tag value.

For example:OSPF-AREA-

DisplayName:<same as Name>


Name:OSPF-CFG-<host device name>/<32-bit area identifier>

For example:OSPF-CFG-dev-Vpls0/

DisplayName:<same as Name>


Name:OSPF-SVC-<host device name>

For example:OSPF-SVC-dev-Vpls0

DisplayName:OSPF-SVC-<host device name> [router identifier]

For example:OSPF-SVC-dev-Vpls0 []


An OSPF network can exist for four network types:

  • Broadcast

  • Non-broadcast multiple access (NBMA)

  • Point-to-point

  • Point-to-multipoint

The network type determines the naming format to be used for the OSPFNetwork object.

Broadcast, NBMA, and point-to-multipoint network types

Name:OSPF-NET-<IP network address>-<netmask value>

For example:OSPF-NET-

DisplayName:OSPF-NET-<IP network address>-<netmask value>      [BROADCAST|NBMA|POINT_TO_MULTIPOINT/<number of devices connected to this           OSPF network>]

For example:OSPF-NET- [BROADCAST/1]

OSPFNetwork (continued)

Point-to-point network type

Name:OSPF-NET-<host device name>/<interface key>-<interface IP address><-->     <host device name>/<interface key>-<interface IP address>

For example:OSPF-NET-dev-Vpls6/33-<-->dev-Vpls7/52-

DisplayName:OSPF-NET-<host device name>/<interface key>-<interface IP address><-->     <host device name>/<interface key>-<interface IP address>           [POINT_TO_POINT/<number of devices connected to this OSPF network>]

For example:OSPF-NET-dev-Vpls6/33-<-->dev-Vpls7/52- [POINT_TO_POINT/2]

OSPFInterface 1

OSPF-IF-<host device name>/<interface key>-<interface IP address>

For example:


DisplayName:OSPF-IF-<host device name>/<interface key> [<interface device identifier>]      [<interface IP address>] [<comment (optional)>]-<interface IP address>

For example:OSPF-IF-qa-vpls3/10001 [Fa1/0/1] [] [to VPLS1]-

OSPFVirtualInterface 1

Name:Same as OSPFInterface except that the prefix is OSPF-VIF

DisplayName:Same as OSPFInterface except that the prefix is OSPF-VIF

OSPFNeighborEndpoint 1

Name:OSPF-EP-<host device name>/<interface key>-<interface IP address>->      <neighbor interface IP address>

For example:OSPF-EP-qa-vpls2/13->

Stub Name:OSPF-EP-<host device name>/<interface key>

For example:OSPF-EP-

DisplayName:OSPF-EP-<host device name>/<interface key> [<interface device identifier>]      [<interface IP address>] [<comment (optional)]-<interface IP address>->          <neighbor interface IP address>

For example:OSPF-EP-qa-vpls2/13 [Fa1/1] [] [to qa-VPLS1]->

Stub DisplayName:OSPF-EP-<host device name>/<interface key> [<interface device identifier>]      [<interface IP address>]

For example:OSPF-EP- [at-0/0/1.100] []

OSPFVirtualNeighborEndpoint 1

Name:Same as OSPFNeighborEndpoint except that the prefix is OSPF-VEP

DisplayName:Same as OSPFNeighborEndpoint except that the prefix is OSPF-VEP


Name:OSPF-NBR-<host device name>/<interface key>-<interface IP address>->     <neighbor interface IP address on remote device><-->          <remote device name>/<remote interface key>-<remote interface IP address>->               <neighbor interface IP address on local device>

For example:OSPF-NBR-qa-vpls1/5-><-->qa-vpls2/13->

Stub Name:OSPF-NBR-<host device name>/<interface key>

For example:OSPF-NBR-

DisplayName:OSPF-NBR-<host device name>/<interface key> [<interface device identifier>]

     [<interface IP address>] [<comment (optional)>]-<interface IP address>->          <neighbor interface IP address on remote device><-->               <remote device name>/<remote interface key>                     [<remote interface device identifier>] [<remote interface IP address>]                          [<comment (optional)>]-<remote interface IP address>->                              <neighbor interface IP address on local device>

For example:OSPF-NBR-qa-vpls1/5 [Fa1/2] []      [to qa-VPLS2]-><-->qa-vpls2/13 [Fa1/1] []           [to qa-VPLS1]->

Stub DisplayName:OSPF-NBR-<host device name>/<interface key> [<interface device identifier>]      [<interface IP address>]

For example:OSPF-NBR- [at-0/0/1.100] []


Name:Same as OSPFNeighborRelationship except that the prefix is OSPF-VNBR

DisplayName:Same as OSPFNeighborRelationship except that the prefix is OSPF-VNBR

In an overlapping IP environment, Network Protocol Manager for OSPF observes the following rule to ensure that it creates the correct OSPF neighbor relationships in its modeled topology:

For an OSPF endpoint layered over a tagged IP that has a tag value of xxx, Network Protocol Manager for OSPF will create an OSPF neighbor relationship to a neighboring OSPF endpoint if and only if that endpoint is also layered over a tagged IP that has a tag value of xxx.

The following OSPF neighbor relationship confirms the observance of this rule. The tag value in the name of the OSPF neighbor relationship is highlighted in bold.

OSPF-NBR-dev-Vpls5/35 [Fa2/1.7] [] [“Duplicate 
    dev-Vpls7/56 [Fa0/0.7] [] [“Duplicate 

Here are the OSPF endpoints for the OSPF neighbor relationship:

OSPF-EP-dev-Vpls5/35 [Fa2/1.7] [] [“Duplicate 
OSPF-EP-dev-Vpls7/56 [Fa0/0.7] [] [“Duplicate 

Here are the underlying OSPF interfaces for the OSPF endpoints:

OSPF-IF-dev-Vpls5/35 [Fa2/1.7] [] [“Duplicate 
OSPF-IF-dev-Vpls7/56 [Fa0/0.7] [] [“Duplicate 

Here is the OSPF area to which the OSPF interfaces are members: