The Global Manager imports instances of the following object types from Network Protocol Manager for OSPF:

  • OSPFArea

  • OSPFAreaConfiguration

  • OSPFService

  • OSPFNetwork

  • OSPFNeighborRelationship

  • OSPFVirtualLink

  • SystemRedundancyGroup

  • UnitaryComputerSystem (Router, for example)

    Chapter 3, OSPF Objects and their Failures, provides descriptions of OSPFArea, OSPFAreaConfiguration, OSPFService, OSPFNetwork, OSPFNeighborRelationship, OSPFVirtualLink, and SystemRedundancyGroup. The IP Manager Concepts Guide provides a description of UnitaryComputerSystem and the IP data model.

    The Global Manager combines this topology with the underlying physical-transport topology imported from IP Availability Manager.