This procedure applies to both SAM and SAM with Notification Cache Publishing. It includes some additional steps for SAM with Notification Cache Publishing.

To configure an Active SAM:

  1. Disable topology synchronization in the Active location so that the Active SAM does not synchronize with the underlying Domain Managers while the Domain Managers are still starting up. The Failover Manager synchronizes the Active SAM with the underlying Domain Managers.

  2. In the installation area where the Active SAM is running, go to the BASEDIR/smarts/bin directory and open the bootend.conf file. Type:

    ./sm_edit conf/ics/bootend.conf
  3. Change the value of suspendTopologyManager to TRUE. The value is FALSE by default.

  4. Save the file and exit.

  5. For Active SAM with Notification Cache Publishing only, use sm_edit to open the <BASEDIR>/smarts/bin/local/ file and add the environment variables listed in Environment variables specified for Host A in the file.

Table 1. Environment variables specified for Host A in the file

Environment variable



Is the name of the host where Smarts EDAA is running which is the same host as SAM with Notification Cache Publishing. For example:

  1. Install the service for the Active SAM on an Active server (host A).

    Example for Active SAM without Notification Cache Publishing:

    ./sm_service install --force  --unmanaged  --startmode=runonce \
     '--name=ic-sam-server' \
     '--description=EMC Smarts Service Assurance Manager Server' \
     '/<BASEDIR>/SAM/smarts/bin/sm_server' \
     '-n' \
     'INCHARGE-SA' \
     '--config=ics' \
     '--edaa=sam-presentation/2.0' \ 
     '--port=1751' \
     '--ignore-restore-errors' \
    ./sm_service install --force  --unmanaged  --startmode=runonce 
    --description=”EMC Smarts Service Assurance Manager Server (notification cache publishing)” 
  2. For Active SAM with Notification Cache Publishing only, if you did not install the services for smarts-tomcat, smarts-RabbitMQ, and smarts-elasticsearch during the SAM installation, you need to manually install them. The Domain Managers Installation Guide describes how to manually install these services.

  3. Start the Active SAM service in Start the services for SAM, Adapter Platform, and BIM.

    For Active SAM with Notification Cache Publishing, in addition to the SAM service, you need to start the services for smarts-tomcat, smarts-rabbitmq, and smarts-elasticsearch.

  4. Attach a Global Console to the Active SAM by specifying “<FQDN hostA>:<portA>/<ServerName>” in the Manager Name field of the Attach Manager Dialog Box. For example,

  5. From the menu, select Configure > Global Manager Administration Console.

  6. For the Active Service Assurance Manager, define the Active Adapter Platform and the Active BIM as sources.

  7. Add the Active Adapter Platform details under ICS Configuration > IC Domain Configuration . Right-click Domains and select New Domain.

  8. Specify the Active Adapter Platform domain name, leaving this connection initially enabled.

  9. In the Domain Creation Wizard, under Copy existing drop-down list, select INCHARGE-OI, and click Finish.

  10. Add Active BIM details under ICS Configuration > IC Domain Configuration . Right-click Domains and select New Domain.

  11. Specify the Active BIM domain name and leave the Enabled checkbox selected for this connection. Specify the domain name in the format hostname:port/domain (for example, The hostname specified here should match the hostname in the entry of the failover.conf file.

  12. In the Domain Creation Wizard, under Copy existing drop-down list, select INCHARGE-MBIM, and click Finish.

  13. For the Active Service Assurance Manager, define the other Active Domain Managers like IP Manager as sources. Configure sources for Active Service Assurance Manager provides a list.

Table 2. Configure sources for Active Service Assurance Manager


Go to

IP Manager

Configure the IP Manager as a source for SAM

Server Manager (ESM)

Configure the Server Manager as a source for SAM
  1. Apply the configuration change and reconfigure the Service Assurance Manager.


    Configurations such as underlying Domain Managers (sources), user groups, notification lists, and escalation policies only need to be configured on the Active Service Assurance Manager. During synchronization between Active and Standby Service Assurance Managers, the Failover Manager creates these configurations in the Standby Service Assurance Manager.