This section lists the key notifications for Cell Site and Cell Site Group entities.

The following table lists the Cell Site and Cell Site Group notifications.
Class Event Description
CellSite ProvisioningFailed Event is raised when VMware Telco Cloud Automation reports that provisioning of the Cellsite is failed.
CellSiteMightBeImpacted Event is raised when CellSite is not working.
HostConfigurationFailed Event is raised when VMware Telco Cloud Automation reports that configuration of host is not successful.
CellSiteAffected If the CellSite is not provisioned or CellSite host is not configured.
HypervisorNotWorking Event is raised when VMware vCenter reports that Hypervisor is not functional.
CellSiteGroup CellSiteGroupAffected Event is raised when any one of the CellSite of a particular CellSiteGroup is not functional.