This section describes the procedure to create a Remediation Rule in the Operations page.


The Actions must be pre-defined before creating the Remediation Rule. There are some predefined set of actions available in the Actions page which can be used while creating the Remediation Rule. The connection and parameters information including the hostname or IPaddress, username, and passwords for the corresponding Actions must be updated. For more information about Actions, see Working with Actions chapter in the VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance Configuration Guide.


  1. Go to https://Telcocloud serviceassurance-ui-IP.
    A typical default URL for logging in to the user interface from the same system on which VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance is installed is, https://10.x.x.x.
  2. On the login page, enter your username and password.
    The Notification Console opens.
  3. In the Default Notification Console, filter the notification by class name and event name, right-click the notification and select Add Remediation Rule.Notification Console Add Reemdiation Rule
    The Add Remediation Rule page appears.
  4. Under Description, update the following parameters:
    • Name: Provide a name for the Remediation Rule. Only letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.
    • Description: Provide a description for the Remediation Rule. This field is optional.
    • Tag: Provide a tag name for the Remediation Rule. This field is optional.
    • Rule Type: Select a rule type for the Remediation Rule. The supported values are listed in the selection drop-down menu.
      • If the rule type is Manual, you can select only one event.
      • If the rule type is Automated, you can select multiple events.
    • For Automated rule type, under Advanced Settings, you have the Smoothing Interval. Select the smoothing interval in seconds from the drop-down list. This is an optional field.
    • Click Next.
    Notification Console Add Remediation Rule Description
  5. Under Filter, for a given notification, you can see filters with pre-populated data or empty fields. If a filter is not added, you can select it through the drop-down menu. After the filter is added, click Next.
    The following screenshot is an example of filter with pre-populated data. Notification Console Filter
  6. Under Events, for the selected notification, you can see pre-populated events data. Click Next.Notification Console Events
  7. Under Remediation Action:
    • You can select pre-defined remediation action or add an user-defined remediation action.
    • To select the pre-defined remediation action, select the required action from the list and click Save.Notification Console Remediation Action
    • To add a Remediation Action, click Add.

      The Add Remediation Page appears.

    • On the Add Remediation Action page, update the following parameters:
      • Name: Provide a name for the action. Only letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.
      • Description: Provide the description details to an action.
      • Format: Select a format for an action. The supported values are YAML and Python.
      • Category: The Category field helps you to categorize tickets based on your need. Select the category type from the drop-down list. You can also create a custom category.
      • Under Code Preview, click Upload and upload the Python action.
      • Click Save.

        Once the action is created, you can select an action from the actions list.

    • Click Save.

      After the Remediation Rule is created, you can click the View Remediation Rule hyperlink to access the list of Remediation Rules.

    To add filters through the Actions drop-down menu, perform the following steps:
    • Under Default Notification Console, navigate to Actions drop-down menu.
    • Click Edit Console.
    • Under Description, click Next.
    • Under Filter, select the filter Property, Expression, and Value.Edit Notification Console Filters
    • Under Columns, click Next.
    • Under Sort Orders, you can add attributes if required.
    • Click Save and Close.
    • If you want to create a Remediation Rule for a notification, perform the following steps:
      • Select a notification which has a filter added, right-click and select Add Remediation Rule.
      • Under Description, update the required fields.
      • Under Filter, you can see pre-populated filter data.Prepopulated Filter
      • Under Events, you can see pre-populated event data.
      • Under Remediation Action, select an action.
      • Click Save.