This command is used for uninstallation of product, installed through tcxctl.

tcxctl cleanup all

This command uninstalls everything deployed through tcxctl using tcxctl deploy all by order: product, controllers, init-chart, crds, and registry artifacts.

The TCXCTL_FORCE_CLEANUP_ALL=true: skip user confirmation for cleanup all command.

For example:
tcxctl cleanup all --kubeconfig <your-kubeconfig-location> --registry <harbor-registry-fqdn>/<project-name> --registry-password <your-registry-password> --registry-username <your-registry-username> --registry-cert <path-to-your-registry-ca-certificate-file> --namespace <namespace> --timeout <time-in-mins>

tcxctl cleanup product

This command uninstalls the product deployed using tcxctl deploy product.
tcxctl cleanup product --name tcsa --kubeconfig <your-kubeconfig-location> --timeout <time-in-mins> --force

tcxctl cleanup all

This command uninstalls everything deployed via tcxctl using tcxctl deploy all by order: product, controllers, init-chart, crds, and registry artifacts.

TCXCTL_FORCE_CLEANUP_ALL=true: This command uninstalls core components tcx-bootstrap,admin-operator, and kapp-controller deployed using:
tcxctl deploy core <core-args>tcxctl cleanup core --kubeconfig /root/tcx/tkgconfig [--namespace <namespace>]

tcxctl cleanup registry

This command cleans up the artifacts from the registry that were pushed using tcxctl push. The kubeconfig in this command is to confirm that, there are no products before deleting artifacts from the cluster.
  • It is not recommended to provide registry credentials at the command line. Alternatively docker login can be executed prior to invoking tcxctl for better security.
  • The kubeconfig in this command is to confirm there are no products before deleting artifacts from the cluster.
  • Harbor cleanup:
    tcxctl cleanup registry --registry --registry-password TCXAdmin123 --registry-username admin --registry-cert /Users/ca.crt --kubeconfig /root/tcx/tkgconfig [--force]
  • ECR cleanup:
    tcxctl cleanup registry --registry --kubeconfig /root/tcx/tkgconfig

tcxctl get values

This command download the values file for a named product release. Use optional -o/--output to print the output in the specified format. Allowed values: table, json, yaml (default yaml):
tcxctl get values --name tcsa [--kubeconfig /root/tcx/tkgconfig -o yaml]

tcxctl copy

tcxctl copy --src=<bom-file.yaml> --to-tar=<test.tar.gz>
This commands reads a given bom with through --src flag and creates a tarball of following structure:
├── helm-charts
	│   └── tcx-platform-services
	│       ├── Chart.yaml
	│       ├── templates
	│       │   ├── _helpers.tpl
	│       │   ├── crds.tmpl
	│       │   └── tcxproduct.yaml
	│       └── values.yaml
	        └── imgpkgs
		     └── cert-manager-custom_3.0.1-292.tar