The customization migration utility is capable of four major functions, which include:

  • Copying all non-binary files from the <BASEDIR>/smarts/local folder that have been modified or introduced by you in the previous version of the product into the appropriate backup directories under the <BASEDIR>/smarts directory of the new installation. Details of backup folders created by sm_migrate utility provides details on the backup directories created by the utility during the migration and upgrade process.

Table 1. Details of backup folders created by sm_migrate utility


Name and location of backup folders under <BASEDIR>/smarts

Migration on same host

.migrate.bkp.<old_version>, .rollback_<version_timestamp>

Migration on different host old mode

user-defined tar or zip file name,

Migration on different host new mode




.migrate.bkp.<old_version>, .rollback_<version_timestamp>

For files that have been modified by you, the utility also creates a copy of the base files from the <BASEDIR>/smarts folder. These files are backed up into .migrate.bkp.<old_version> directory. The original and the local versions of the files from the old installation will be needed when the utility attempts to merge your changes with the new installation files.

Under the smarts/.migrate.bkp.<old_version> and backup.tar or directory you can find files with the following extensions:

  • .custom - files from the <BASEDIR>/smarts/local folder introduced by you and are not part of the default installation

    • .local - files from the <BASEDIR>/smarts/local folder that are part of the default installation and have been modified from their original version, using sm_edit.

    • .base - the <BASEDIR>/smarts version of these files with .local extension

      Custom file migration use cases on page 91 provide details.

  • Copying the cacert.sso certificate file from <BASEDIR>/smarts/jre/lib/security directory into the .migrate.bkp.<old_version>/jre/lib/security directory to retain the certificate file.

  • Copying all files you have added into the <BASEDIR>/smarts/local folder of the new installation. This allows for an easy and automatic migration of all customer files to the new installation, so that no manual step is required for moving the files from the backup directory.


    All files, customized or newly introduced in the existing installation, must be present under the <BASEDIR>/smarts/ folder only. The utility also copies the RPS files found in the old_local.

  • Merging .asl, .import, .conf, .xml, .pl, .sh and .cmd files modified by you into the new installation. The utility first backs up the corresponding files from the old_base, and then migrates the files from .migrate.bkp.<old_version> backup directory to the new installation.


    This is an optional function and you may skip it.

    In order to merge the configurations from the existing installation into the new installation, the utility uses files from:

    • Original base installation (previous installation with <file_name>.base extension)

    • Local directory of the previous installation (files you have modified with a <file_name>.local extension)

    • New installation (with <file_name> extension)

      The files to be merged are put in the new_local after performing a three-way merge between the two files in the backup directory and the corresponding file in the new base.

  • Rolling back changes made by the sm_migrate utility in your current installation. It creates a backup of the new_local, and allows you to rollback to multiple stages of backup, as long as the changes were carried out in your current version. The backup consists of all .conf, .import, .asl, .mdl, .xml, .template, .sh, .conflict, .automerge, .cmd, .dat, and .bat files found in the new_local.


    Soft links created for product related files in the RHEL/CentOS environment are not handled by sm_migrate utility.