Mapping of SAM-O service objects to objects lists the SAM-O service objects the Adapter retrieves and the methods used.
Smarts object |
Smarts attribute |
SAM-O equipment class |
SAM-O property |
SAM-O filter |
BGPProtocolEndpoint BGPCluster BGPSession |
bgp.Peer |
siteName |
PeerAdminStatus |
- administrativeState |
IsRouteReflector |
- clusterId |
PeerState |
- connectionState |
LocalAddress |
- localAddress |
Name |
- objectFullName |
Name |
- peerAddress |
RemoteAs |
- peerAS |
HostedBy -> Router/Switch |
- siteId |
DisplayName |
- siteName + peerAddress |
Interface |
ies.L3AccessInterface |
nodeName serviceId |
MaxTransferUnit |
- actualMtu |
AdminStatus |
- administrativeState |
Description |
- description, - interfaceClass |
DisplayName |
- displayedName |
InterfaceNumber |
- id |
ComposedOf -> Router/Switch |
- nodeId |
Name |
- objectFullName |
OperStatus |
- operationalState |
Underlying -> IP |
- primaryIPv4Address |
- primaryIPv4PrefixLength |
LayeredOver -> Interface |
- terminatedObjectPointer |
- terminatedPortClassName |
IGMPNetwork |
igmp.IfGroup |
GroupAddress |
- group |
Name |
- objectFullName |
LastReportingAddress |
- srcAddrOfLastReport |
IGMPInterface |
igmp.Interface |
nodeName |
AdminStatus |
- administrativeState |
igmpIfJoins |
- groupCount |
PollingIndex, InterfaceNumber |
- interfaceId |
DisplayName |
- nodeName |
Name |
- objectFullName |
InterfaceStatus |
- operationalState |
InterfaceQuerier |
- querier |
LayeredOver -> Interface |
- terminatedObjectPointer |
MulticastService |
igmp.Site |
Name |
- objectFullName |
HostedBy -> Router/Switch |
- siteId |
DisplayName |
- siteName |
LdpProtocolEndpoint LdpAdjacency |
ldp.Interface |
- |
AdjacencyHoldTime |
- keepAliveTimeout |
AdminStatus |
- administrativeState |
LocalAddress |
- nodeId |
DisplayName |
- siteId + portName |
Index |
- interfaceId |
LayeredOver -> Interface |
- terminatedPortPointer |
PeerAddress |
- peerAddress |
OperStatus |
- operationalState |
Name |
- objectFullName |
LdpProtocolEndpoint LdpAdjacency |
ldp.TargetedPeer |
AdjacencyHoldTime |
- keepAliveTimeout |
AdminStatus |
- administrativeState |
LocalAddress |
- siteId |
Index |
- interfaceId |
PeerAddress |
- peerAddress |
OperStatus |
- operationalState |
Name |
- objectFullName |
MPLSService |
mpls.Interface |
HostedBy ->Router/Switch |
- nodeId |
name |
- nodeName |
LayeredOver -> Interface |
- terminatedObjectPointer |
mpls.LspPath mpls.DynamicPath svt.Tunnel |
fromNodeName |
Source |
- fromNodeId |
DisplayName |
- fromNodeName + toNodeName + lspId |
Name |
- lspName |
Description |
- objectFullName |
OperStatus |
- operationalState |
mpls.LspPath svt.Tunnel |
OSPFArea OSPFAreaConfiguration |
ospf.AreaSite |
Name |
- objectFullName |
AreaID |
- areaId |
AreaType |
- importAsExtern |
PropagateSummaries |
- areaSummary |
DisplayName |
- siteName + areaId |
OSPFInterface |
ospf.Interface |
nodeName |
Name |
- objectFullName |
DisplayName |
- displayedName + nodeName |
DiscoveredAreaID |
- areaId |
IfType |
- interfaceType |
TransitDelay |
- transitDelay |
RetransmitInterval |
- retransmissionInterval |
HelloInterval |
- helloInterval |
DemandInterface |
- demandProceduresEnabled |
AdminStatus |
- administrativeState |
LayeredOver -> Interface |
- terminatedObjectPointer |
OperStatus |
- operationalState |
hostedBy ->Router/Switch |
- nodeId |
RouterPriority |
- priority |
DesignatedRouter |
- designatedRouterId |
BackupDesignatedRouter |
- backupDesignatedRouterId |
AuthKey |
- authenticationKey |
AuthType |
- authenticationType |
DeadInterval |
- routerDeadInterval |
OSPFNeighborEndpoint |
ospf.Neighbor |
siteName |
Name |
- objectFullName |
NeighborState |
- operationalState |
NbmaNeighborPermanence |
- permanence |
HelloSupressed |
- helloSuppressed |
Description |
- neighboringIpAddress |
NeighborRouterId |
- neighboringRouterId |
OSPFService |
ospf.Site |
- |
Name |
- objectFullName |
DisplayName |
- siteName + areaId |
RouterID |
- ospfRouterId |
AdminStatus |
- administrativeState |
- isAreaBorderRouter |
-isAutonomousSystemBorderRouter |
OSPFVirtualInterface |
ospf.VirtualLink |
siteName |
Name |
- objectFullName |
IfState |
- operationalState |
LayeredOver -> Interface, LayeredOver -> IP |
- localEgressIfIpAddress |
AuthKey |
- authenticationKey |
AuthType |
- authenticationType |
HelloInterval |
- helloInterval |
DeadInterval |
- routerDeadInterval |
RetransmitInterval |
- retransmissionInterval |
TransitDelay |
- transitDelay |
OSPFVirtualNeighbor |
ospf.VirtualNeighbor |
siteName |
HelloSupressed |
- helloSuppressed |
Description |
- ipAddress |
Name |
- objectFullName |
NeighborState |
- operationalState |
Displayname |
- siteName + - virtualNeighborRouterId |
MulticastSource PIMSourceG PIMStarG |
pim.Group |
GroupAddress |
- groupAddress |
Name |
- objectFullName |
UpstreamNeighborAddress |
- rpfNbrAddress |
PollingIndex |
- rpfIfIndex |
SourceAddress |
- sourceAddress |
InRPTable |
- sourceRPAddress |
DisplayName |
- siteName + sourceAddress + groupAddress |
PIMInterface |
pim.Interface |
interfaceClass |
AdminStatus |
- administrativeState |
DRAddress |
- drIPAddress |
HelloInterval |
- helloInterval |
PollingIndex |
- interfaceId |
HostedBy -> Router/Switch |
- nodeId |
Name |
- objectFullName |
InterfaceStatus |
- operationalState |
LayeredOver -> Interface |
- terminatedObjectPointer |
pim.Neighbor |
- neighboringIpAddress |
- objectFullName |
MulticastGroup |
pim.RPSet |
- objectFullName |
Name |
- rpGroupIPAddress |
GroupNetmask |
- rpGroupMask |
MulticastService |
pim.Site |
Name |
- objectFullName |
HostedBy -> Router/Switch |
- siteId |
DisplayName |
- siteName |
BSRAddress |
- bsrAddress |
RPAddress |
- crpAddress |
- bsrCandidatePriority |
rtr.RouteStats |
- monitoredObjectPointer |
- routesInVrf |
- timeCaptured |
AutonomousSystem BGPServiceConfederation |
rtr.VirtualRouter |
bgpEnabled |
AS |
- autonomousSystemNumber |
DisplayName |
- confederationAutonomousSystemNumber + siteName |
Name |
- objectFullName |
service.SpokeConnector |
firstSvcPointer secondSvcPointer |
- compositeSvcPointer |
- firstSiteId |
- firstSvcPointer |
- firstTunnelPointer |
- secondSiteId |
- secondSvcPointer |
- secondTunnelPointer |
ForwarderEndpoint. |
svt.MeshSdpBinding svt.SdpBinding svt.SpokeSdpBinding |
fromNodeName serviceId serviceType |
TunnelType |
- circuitTransport |
HostedBy -> Switch/Router |
- fromNodeId |
Name |
- objectFullName |
Status |
- operationalState |
DisplayName |
- pathId + serviceId + vcId + toNodeId + fromNodeName |
TunnelName |
- pathname |
- returnCircuitPointer |
PeerAddress |
- toNodeId |
- vcId |
Create relationship between VRF and LSP PIMInterface |
svt.TransportConnection |
fromNodeId tunnelId |
- fromNodeName |
- resourceId |
- resourcePointer |
- toNodeId |
- toNodeName |
NetworkConnection (for GRE Tunnel) |
svt.Tunnel |
underlyingTransport |
Build ConnectedSystems and ConnectedTo Relationships |
- toCtp |
Build ConnectedSystems and ConnectedTo Relationships |
- fromCtp |
Interface |
DisplayName |
- fromNodeName |
Interface |
DisplayName |
- toNodeName |
Interface |
AdminStatus |
- administrativeState |
Interface |
OperStatus |
- operationalState |
Interface |
part of -> Router/Switch |
- sourceNodeId |
Interface |
part of -> Router/Switch |
- destinationNodeId |
Interface |
Name |
- objectFullName |
Interface |
vll.L2AccessInterface apipe.L2AccessInterface epipe.L2AccessInterface fpipe.L2AccessInterface ipipe.L2AccessInterface |
nodeName |
LayeredOver -> Interface |
- terminatedObjectPointer |
Creates relationship based on this parameter |
- terminatedPortClassName |
HostedBy -> Router/Switch |
- nodeId |
DisplayName |
- displayedName |
MaxTransferUnit |
- actualMtu |
Description |
- description |
OperStatus |
- operationalState |
AdminStatus |
- administrativeState |
Name |
- objectFullName |
IsManaged |
- olcState |
Forwarder |
vll.Site apipe.Site epipe.Site fpipe.Site ipipe.Site |
siteId |
VPNName |
- serviceId |
DisplayName |
- displayedName |
HostedBy -> Router/Switch |
- siteId |
- operationalState |
Name |
- objectFullName |
VPN (VPNs will be created by MPLS postprocessing) |
vll.Vll apipe.Apipe epipe.Epipe fpipe.Fpipe ipipe.Ipipe |
Interface |
vpls.L2AccessInterface |
outerEncapValue serviceType nodeName terminatedPortClassName |
AdminStatus |
- administrativeState |
HostedBy -> Router/Switch |
- nodeId |
DisplayName |
- nodeName + displayedName |
Name |
- objectFullName |
OperStatus |
- operationalState |
LayeredOver -> Interface |
- terminatedObjectPointer |
Creates relationship based on this parameter |
- terminatedPortClassName |
Forwarder |
vpls.Site |
VPNName |
- serviceId |
DisplayName |
- displayedName |
HostedBy -> Router/Switch |
- siteId |
- operationalState |
Name |
- objectFullName |
VPN (VPNs will be created by MPLS postprocessing) |
vpls.Vpls |
Interface |
vprn.L3AccessInterface |
nodeName |
MaxTransferUnit |
- actualMtu |
Description |
- description |
DisplayName |
- displayedName |
InterfaceNumber |
- id |
Description |
- interfaceClass |
- l3InterfaceAdministrativeState |
LayeredOver -> Router/Switch |
- nodeId |
Name |
- objectFullName |
OperStatus |
- operationalState |
Underlying -> IP |
- primaryIPv4Address |
- primaryIPv4Length |
- serviceId |
LayeredOver -> Interface |
- terminatedObjectPointer |
Create relationship based on this parameter |
- terminatedPortClassName |
IsManaged |
olcState |
VPN / VRF / MPLSService |
vprn.Site |
siteId |
Name |
- objectFullName |
- operationalState |
DisplayName |
- serviceId + siteId |
- serviceName |
MPLSService |
Name |
- siteId |
Description |
- subscriberName |
- adminstrativeState |
IsManaged |
- olcState |
Tag |
- routedistinguisher |
MPLSService |
DisplayName |
- siteName |
ISISArea |
Isis.Area |
AreaID |
areaID |
Description |
areaDescription |
DisplayName |
displayedName |
Name |
objectFullName |
ConnectedSystems->Router |
siteId |
ConsistsOf->ISISService |
Isis.AreaMember |
siteId |
ISISInterface |
Isis.Interface |
AdminStatus |
administrativeState |
DiscoveredAdminStatus |
administrativeState |
DisplayName |
nodeName |
Description |
description |
IfType |
interfaceType |
IsPassive |
passive |
RetransmitInterval |
retransmitInterval |
Accesses->ISISService |
nodeId |
HostedBy->Router |
nodeId |
LayeredOver->Interface, IP |
terminatedObjectPointer |
HelloInterval |
Isis. InterfaceLevelConfig |
helloInterval |
RouterPriority |
priority |
MulticastForwarding |
Isis.Site |
multicastImport/unicastImport |
MemberOf->ISISArea |
ISISNeighborEndpoint |
Isis.Adjacency |
Name |
objectFullName |
Description |
siteName |
DisplayName |
siteName |
NeighborIpAddress |
adjNeighbourId |
NeighborState |
adjState |
NeighborSystemID |
neighSysId |
LocalAddress |
localIp |
HostedBy->Router |
siteId |
LayeredOver->ISISInterface |
terminatedObjectPointer |
ISISService |
Isis.Site |
AdminStatus |
administrativeState |
DisplayName |
siteName |
Name |
objectFullName |
ServiceType |
levelCapability |
SystemID |
isisSystemId |
HostedBy->Router |