Mapping of SAM-O equipment objects to class maps SAM-O equipment classes to Smarts objects.
Smarts class |
Smarts attribute |
SAM-O equipment class |
SAMO-O property |
SAM-O filter |
Router/Switch (unless stated otherwise) |
netw.NetworkElement |
- |
Model |
- chassisType |
HostsAccessPoints -> IP |
- ipAddress |
Name |
- objectFullName |
DisplayName |
- siteName |
HostsAccessPoints -> IP (loopback address) |
- systemAddress |
Card (unless stated otherwise) |
equipment.BaseCard |
siteName |
AdminStatus |
- administrativeState |
IsManaged |
- equipmentState |
Name |
- objectFullName |
OperStatus |
- operationalState |
PartOf -> Chassis |
- siteId |
Processor |
equipment.ControlProcessor equipment.SwitchFrabicProcessor |
siteName |
DisplayName |
- displayedName |
Name |
- objectFullName |
Card |
equipment.DaughterCard |
siteName |
AdminStatus |
- administrativeState |
IsManaged |
- equipmentState |
Name |
- objectFullName |
OperStatus |
- operationalState |
Description |
- specificType |
Fan |
equipment.FanTray |
siteName |
AdminStatus |
- administrativeState |
Status |
- deviceState |
DeviceID |
- fanId |
Description |
- hwName |
Name |
- objectFullName |
OperStatus |
- operationalState |
Partof -> Router/Switch |
- siteId |
Memory |
equipment.FlashMemory |
siteName |
FreeMemory |
- amountUsed |
TotalMemory |
- capacity |
DisplayName |
- displayedName |
Name |
- objectFullName |
BufferUtilizationPct |
- percentageUsed |
Cable |
equipment.PhysicalLink |
siteName |
DisplayName |
- endpointAPointer |
DisplayName |
- endpointBPointer |
Name |
- objectFullName |
Interface |
equipment.PhysicalPort |
siteName |
AdminStatus |
- administrativeState |
DisplayName |
- SiteName + cardSlotId + daughterCardSlotId + portId + displayedName |
Description |
- description |
OperStatus |
- equipmentState |
HostedBy -> Router/Switch |
- macAddress |
MaxTransferUnit |
- mtuValue |
OperStatus |
- operationalState |
PartOf -> Router |
- siteId |
Type |
- specificType |
MaxSpeed |
- speed |
PowerSupply |
equipment.PowerSupplyTray |
siteName |
AC VoltageSensor |
Status |
- acVoltageStatus |
DC VoltageSensor |
Status |
- dcVoltageStatus |
Description |
- hwName |
Name |
- objectFullName |
Status |
- operationalState |
DisplayName |
- powerSupplyId + siteName |
PowerSupply1 Status |
- powerSupply1Status |
PowerSupply2 Status |
- powerSupply2Status |
TemperatureSensor |
HighThreshold |
- psTemperatureThreshold |
Status |
- temperatureStatus |
PartOf -> Router/Switch |
- siteId |
Card |
equipment.ProcessorCard |
siteName |
Adminstatus |
- administrativeState |
DisplayName |
- displayedName |
IsManaged |
- equipmentState |
Name |
- objectFullName |
OperStatus |
- operationalState |
PartOf -> Router/Switch |
- siteId |
- specificType |
IsManaged |
- olcState |
An entry in AD_PersistentDataSet |
l2fib.FibEntry |
nodeName terminationType serviceType |
- definedPerObjectPointer |
- macAddress |
- objectFullName |
- serviceId |
An entry in AD_PersistentDataSet |
l2fib.MFibEntry |
serviceSiteId |
- grpAddr |
- objectFullName |
- portId |
- serviceId |
NetworkAdapterRedundancyGroup |
lag.Interface |
siteName |
AdminStatus |
- administrativeState |
Description |
- description |
DisplayName |
- displayedName + - siteName |
Name |
- objectFullName |
OperStatus |
- operationalState |
PartOf -> Router/Switch |
- siteId |
create relationship between NetworkAdapterRedundancyGroup and its Interfaces |
lag.PortTermination |
siteName |
- terminatedPortPointer |
Interface |
rtr.NetworkInterface |
nodeId |
MaxTransferUnit |
- actualMtu |
AdminStatus |
- administrativeState |
Description |
- description |
DisplayedName |
- displayedName |
InterfaceNumber |
- id |
Description |
- interfaceClass |
PartOf -> Router/Switch |
- nodeId |
DisplayName Qualifier |
- nodeName |
Name |
- objectFullName |
OperStatus |
- operationalState |
Underlying -> IP |
- primaryIPv4Address |
LayeredOver -> |
- |
Interface |
- terminatedObjectPointer |
- terminatedPortClassName |
Interface |
sonetEquipment.Sts1Channel sonetEquipment.Sts3Channel sonetEquipment.Sts12Channel sonetEquipment.Sts48Channel sonetEquipment.Sts192Channel sonetEquipment.Tu3Channel |
siteName |
AdminStatus |
- administrativeState |
DisplayName |
- SiteName + cardSlotId + daughterCardSlotId + portId + displayedName |
Description |
- description |
IsManaged |
- equipmentState |
MaxTransferUnit |
- mtuValue |
Name |
- objectFullName |
OperStatus |
- operationalState |
MaxSpeed |
- speed |
Interface |
tdmequipment.DS0ChannelGroup tdmequipment.DS1E1Channel tdmequipment.DS3E3Channel |
siteName |
AdminStatus |
- administrativeState |
DisplayName |
- SiteName + cardSlotId + daughterCardSlotId + portId + displayedName |
Description |
- description |
IsManaged |
- equipmentState |
MaxTransferUnit |
- mtuValue |
Name |
- objectFullName |
OperStatus |
- operationalState |
MaxSpeed |
- speed |