During the L3VPN discovery process, the MPLS Topology Servercreates within its repository a data model representation of the discovered L3VPN topology. The L3VPN data model is shown in L3VPN data model. Multicast VPN modeling is shown in Multicast VPN modeling in the L3VPN data model.
Typically, every relationship has an inverse relationship. For example, the relationship “Underlying” is the inverse relationship of “LayeredOver.”
GUID-A8E82D66-31E3-432E-A138-69D59E41C3A0.html#GUID-A8E82D66-31E3-432E-A138-69D59E41C3A0___MPLS_DISCO_PROCESS_38631and GUID-A8E82D66-31E3-432E-A138-69D59E41C3A0.html#GUID-A8E82D66-31E3-432E-A138-69D59E41C3A0___MPLS_DISCO_PROCESS_93469present descriptions of the VRF, RouteTarget, VPN, MulticastVPN, and MulticastGroup classes. More detailed descriptions of these classes are available in the Smarts MPLS Management Suite User Guide.