In the Notification Log view, notification attributes appear as column headings. Columns in the Notification Log view lists the column names and their descriptions.
Column / Attribute |
Description |
Acknowledged |
Indicates the event has been acknowledged. |
Active |
Indicates if the event is active. |
Category |
Represents a broad categorization of the event (for example, Availability against Temperature). Valid values can be: Availability, Discovery, Error, Operational, Performance, PowerSupply, Resource, Temperature, and IMPACT. |
Certainty |
The certainty of this event. |
Class |
Display name for the event class. |
ClassName |
Class name of the managed element where the event occurred. One of three attributes that uniquely identifies a notification, not modifiable. |
ClearOnAcknowledge |
Indicates whether the event is automatically cleared from the Notification Log view when the event is acknowledged. |
Count |
The number of occurrences of this event starting from First Notify until Last Notify. For a momentary event (no duration), each occurrence increases the count value regardless of the current event state. For a durable event (a duration), the count value increments whenever the event reoccurs (cleared and renotified). |
Element Class |
The class name of the topology element associated with the event in the repository where this event resides. This may or may not have the same value as Class or may be empty. |
Element Name |
The name of the topology element associated with the event in the repository where this event resides. The string is empty if there is no related element. This may or may not have the same value as InstanceName. |
Event |
Display name for the event name. |
Event State |
Indicates the state of the event. Values can be ACTIVE (notified), SUSPENDED, WAS_ACTIVE, or INACTIVE (cleared). |
Event Text |
A longer textual description of the event. |
Event Type |
Indicates the nature of the event. Value can be either MOMENTARY or DURABLE. A momentary event has no duration. A durable event has a period during which the event is active and after which the event is no longer active. |
EventName |
Name of the event. One of three attributes that uniquely identifies a notification, not modifiable. |
First Notify |
First notification time. (This value is reset after an event is archived.) Events diagnosed by an underlying domain include timestamps that accurately reflect when the event occurred. The Global Manager uses this value from the event for the FirstNotifiedAt/LastNotifiedAt times when it creates the notification. |
Impact |
If Business Impact Manager is available, the sum of the weights for all affected elements. The default weight for each affected element is 1. Weights quantify the event impact on the infrastructure and business processes. A large numeric value indicates a large impact. |
In Maintenance |
Indicates whether this event occurred during a maintenance period. |
InstanceName |
Name of the instance where the problem was diagnosed. One of three attributes that uniquely identifies a notification, not modifiable. |
InternalEventHandle |
A unique key (Name attribute) that identifies the notification. |
IsProblem |
Yes indicates if (and only if) at least one of the source event types is “PROBLEM”, and other source event types are either “PROBLEM” or “UNKNOWN”. No indicates that one or more of the source event types is “EVENT” or “AGGREGATE”. Since filtering on IsRoot can result in transient behavior when events are received from multiple underlying sources, it is recommended to filter on IsProblem instead. |
IsRoot |
Yes indicates that the current notification is the root event. No indicates that the current notification is not a root event and is caused by another event. It is often useful to filter on IsRoot to find those notifications that require immediate attention. |
Last Change |
Time of last event change. |
Last Clear |
Last clear time. "Never" indicates the notification has never cleared. |
Last Notify |
Last notification time. |
Name |
Display name for the event instance. |
Owner |
The username of the person responsible for handling the event. |
Severity |
A graphical severity icon (color-coded icon) that categorizes the severity level of the event from the notifier's point of view:
GUID-9446BA55-DC03-4F20-9593-8727E7AC459F.html#GUID-9446BA55-DC03-4F20-9593-8727E7AC459F___OP_EXAMINING_NOTIFICATIONS_37330 provides examples of the severity icons. |
Source |
Identifies the software component(s) that diagnosed the event, where the event originated (for example, a Global Manager, Domain Manager, SAM Adapter Platform, or SAM adapter). If there is more than one source, the attribute lists each separated by a comma. An intermediary Manager that relays an event is not listed as a source. For example, “Trap Processor” (SNMP Trap Adapter) is listed as the source of a notification and not the intermediary SAM Adapter Platform server. |
SourceEventType |
Indicates the type of event from an underlying source or sources. Value can be: PROBLEM, EVENT, AGGREGATE, or UNKNOWN. The default value is UNKNOWN. (Not to be confused with Event Type.) |
Ticket ID |
Trouble ticket ID. |
UserDefined1 - 20 |
Twenty user-defined fields. Reserved for custom configuration. |
In the Notification Properties view, the Caused By tab and Impact tab provide more information about the IsRoot and Impact attributes, respectively:
The Caused By tab lists another event that caused a selected notification if the IsRoot value is No.
The Impact tab lists all of the affected elements for the selected notification.
Note:The default weight can be changed by your administrator. Contact your administrator for acceptable values if you intend to specify this attribute in a notification filter.
The Smarts Service Assurance Manager Configuration Guide contains complete information about attributes.