This topic provides instructions on multi-step deployment procedure to deploy the Kubernetes cluster with VMware vSAN or Block Storage enabled.
- If the deployment host does not have Internet connectivity to download the required files from My Downloads, follow the steps described in the DarkSite Deployment for Kubernetes section to get the files onto the deployment host. Then proceed with the remaining steps in this section.
- If you have changed your VMware vCenter credentials after deploying the Kubernetes Cluster then you must run the following scripts to update it in the deployment container of the deployer host
- Execute the prepare command inside the deployment container
ansible-playbook scripts/ansible/prepare.yml -e @scripts/ansible/vars.yml --become
- Execute post install command to update the credentials inside the deployment container
ansible-playbook -i inventory/vmbasedlongevity4/hosts.yml scripts/ansible/post_install.yml -u root --become -e @scripts/ansible/internal_vars.yml -e @scripts/ansible/vars.yml --tags vsphere-csi
- Execute the prepare command inside the deployment container
- If the harbor password has changed then you must redeploy VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance for the VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance applications to run without failing. For more information, see Procedure to Redeploy If The Harbor Credentials are Changed.