Anti-affinity rules do not persist across regions during recovery using Site Recovery Manager. You must create the anti-affinity rules for the analytics virtual machines in Region B so that the rules still apply after a failover of vRealize Operations Manager.


  1. In a Web browser, log in to vCenter Server by using the vSphere Client.
    Settings Value
    URL https://lax01m01vc01.lax01.rainpole.local/ui
    User name [email protected]
    Password vsphere_admin_password
  2. In the Hosts and clusters inventory, expand the lax01m01vc01.lax01.rainpole.local tree and expand the lax01-m01dc data center.
  3. Select the lax01-m01-mgmt01 cluster and click the Configure tab.
  4. In the left pane, navigate to Configuration > VM/Host rules and click Add.
    The Create VM/Host rule dialog box opens.
  5. Configure the settings and click OK.
    Setting Value
    Name anti-affinity-rule-vropsm
    Enable rule Selected
    Type Separate Virtual Machines
    • vrops01svr01a.rainpole.local
    • vrops01svr01b.rainpole.local
    • vrops01svr01c.rainpole.local