You can use the updateoffline.hzn script to perform an offline upgrade of the VMware Identity Manager virtual appliance. Download the offline upgrade package from the VMware Identity Manager product download page to use with the script.

The script verifies that the upgrade package matches the product. For example, if you are upgrading the VMware Identity Manager service virtual appliance and you use the connector upgrade package instead of the service upgrade package, the script results in an error.


Ensure that you meet the prerequisites listed in Prerequisites for Offline Upgrade


  1. Locate the updateoffline.hzn script.

    The script is available at the following path:


  2. To set the upgrade version to 3.3.5, run the correct command that follows, depending on which version of VMware Identity Manager you are upgrading from.
    /usr/local/horizon/update/configureupdate.hzn manifest --set-version


    /usr/local/horizon/update/configureupdate.hzn manifest --set-version


    /usr/local/horizon/update/configureupdate.hzn manifest --set-version
  3. Download the appropriate version of the VMware Identity Manager offline upgrade package, depending on the method you use to upgrade VMware Identity Manager.

    The downloads are available from the respective product download page (VMware Identity Manager or VMware vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager ) on

    Upgrade Method Package Name and Filename
    Standard upgrade method VMware Identity Manager offline upgrade package which contains the file.
    Upgrade using vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager VMware Identity Manager offline upgrade package for LCM which contains the file.

    This file contains another file, dualbootupdate.tar.gz. If you use this method of upgrade, run the updateoffline.hzn script on the dualbootupdate.tar.gz file.

    The recommended location to which to save the file is /var/tmp.
  4. Run the updateoffline.hzn script as the root user and reboot after you upgrade.
    /usr/local/horizon/update/updateoffline.hzn [-r] -f upgradeFilePath

    For example, /usr/local/horizon/update/updateoffline.hzn -f /var/tmp/

    -f upgradeFilePath Upgrade the appliance using upgradeFilePath. upgradeFilePath must be an absolute path. Required
    -r Reboot after upgrade. Optional
    -h Displays the script usage. Optional
    You are prompted for the location of the dualbootupdate file.
  5. If your are upgrading directly from 3.3.2, enter the location of the dualbootupdate file, the default of which is /dualbootupdate.tar.gz.
    Note: VMware Identity Manager 3.3.3 and 3.3.4 already use Photon, but 3.3.2 does not. Therefore, you only need to include the location of the dualbootupdate file as a parameter when upgrading from 3.3.2.
  6. If the "The product RID matches so continue" prompt appears, press Enter to continue.
  7. If you did not use the -r option with the script, restart the virtual appliance after upgrade is complete.