The Command-Line Interface (CLI), available for Android devices and supported in Workspace ONE Assist, is the counterpoint to the Graphical User Interface (GUI). While a graphical user interface makes common tasks easy, a command-line interface makes complicated tasks possible.

This functionality requires the Remote Shell permission to be part of your assigned administrator roles. For more information, see Role-Based Access to Workspace ONE Assist.

CLI Commands Support Level Function
am get-config Full Gather configuration data from a device.
cd Full Change directory.
getprop Full Get properties by way of the android property service.
getprop Full Get API level device properties.
ip -f inet addr show wlan0 Full Show the WiFi IP address.
logcat Full Prints log data to the screen.
logcat *:D Partial

Prints log data to the screen, filter to show only the debug level.

In a few devices, this command cannot be canceled.

logcat *:E Partial

Prints log data to the screen, filter to show only the error level.

In a few devices, this command cannot be canceled.

logcat *:I Partial

Prints log data to the screen, filter to show only the info level.

In a few devices, this command cannot be canceled.

logcat *:V Partial

Prints log data to the screen, filter to show only the verbose level.

In a few devices, this command cannot be canceled.

logcat *:W Partial

Prints log data to the screen, filter to show only the warning level.

In a few devices, this command cannot be canceled.

ls Full List the directory contents.
ls -a Full List the directory contents, do not hide entries starting with a dot.
ls -n Full List the directory contents, list numeric UIDs, and GIDs.
ls -R Full List the directory contents, list subdirectories recursively.
ls -s Full List the directory contents, print size of each file, in blocks.
mkdir Full Make a directory.
netcfg / ifconfig Full Configure and manage network connections by way of profiles.
netstat Full Network statistics.
ping Partial

Test the connection and latency between two network connection.

In few devices, this command cannot be canceled.

pm list packages Full Prints all packages, optionally only those package names included in <FILTER>.
pm list packages -3 Full Prints all packages filtered to show only the third-party packages.
pm list packages -d Full Prints all packages filtered to show only the disabled packages.
pm list packages -e Full Prints all packages filtered to show only the enabled packages.
pm list packages -f Full Prints all packages including their associated file.
pm list packages -i Full See the installer for the packages.
pm list packages -s Full Prints all packages filtered to show only the system packages.
pm list packages -u Full Prints all packages including uninstalled packages.
pm list permission-groups Full Lists all permissions groups.
pm list permissions Full Lists all permissions on the device.
pm path <package > Full Print the path to the APK of the given <package>.
ps Full Print process status.
ps -p Full Print process status and show scheduling policy.
pwd Full Print the current working directory location.
rm -d Full Remove a directory, even if it is not empty.
rm -f Full Remove a directory, force remove without prompt.
rm -r Full Remove the contents of the directory recursively.
top Partial

Display top CPU processes.

In a few devices, this command cannot be canceled.

touch Full Create an empty file or change file timestamps.