Select from several Workspace ONE Drop Ship Provisioning products for Windows devices. Provisioning devices helps your end users by applying apps and configurations to devices so the user does not have to. Use the VMware Workspace ONE Provisioning Tool to test your Workspace ONE Drop Ship (Offline and Online) configuration files. Use settings to configure the tool and command-line actions to run tests. You can also collect logs to help troubleshoot tool issues.

Types of Workspace ONE Drop Ship Provisioning

As today's workforce transitions to remote work, businesses must deliver an efficient onboarding experience on Windows computers to their remote workers. Workspace ONE UEM offers various ways to provision remote Windows Desktop devices to your users who are not in traditional offices.
  • With Workspace ONE Drop Ship Provisioning (Offline), you can send your manufacturer a provisioning packge (PPKG) with all the apps you want pre-loaded to devices. After creating the PPKG and unattend.xml configuration file, you can edit and delete your templates and packages in Workspace ONE UEM.
  • If you want to send apps and configurations to your users that are current and business approved, you can use Workspace ONE Drop Ship Provisioning (Online).

    Workspace ONE Drop Ship Provisioning (Online) eliminates the need to create and share PPKGs with your hardware manufacturer. Simply assign your payloads to a tag in the Workspace ONE UEM console, and then place an order with your hardware manufacturer using that Workspace ONE UEM tag.

Installation Command for the VMware Workspace ONE Provisioning Tool

To install the VMware Workspace ONE Provisioning Tool MSI, run it using the listed command.
msiexec /a VMwareWS1ProvisioningTool.msi /qb TARGETDIR="{target directory}\VMwareWS1ProvisioningTool"

Command-Line Actions for the VMware Workspace ONE Provisioning Tool

You can choose to run your tests using command-line actions.

Table 1. VMware Workspace ONE Provisioning Tool Command-Line Actions
Command-Line Action Description
-a, --action Required. Action to perform (AppsOnly, Full, or TrackOnly).
-g, --gui Run the application with GUI.

The default is false.

-k Defer Sysprep after the full process is applied.

You can defer Sysprep when you want to take additional action on the device after the PPKG is applied and you don't want Sysprep to launch immediately.

-l, --autologin Enable auto login after reboot.

The default is false.

-n, --username User name for auto login.
-p, --ppkg Required. PPKG File path.
-q, --quit Closes the Sysprep tool without rebooting or shutting down the device after Sysprep finishes running the commands.
-r, --reboot Restarts the computer after Sysprep. You can use this option to audit the computer and to verify that the first-run experience operates correctly. The tool reboots by default if no option is specified.
-s, --shutdown Shuts down the computer after the Sysprep command finishes running.
-t, --timeout Add timeout for TrackOnly mode in minutes.
-u, --unattend Unattend XML File path.
-w, --password Password for auto login.
--help Display the help screen.
--version Display the version information.
After running the action, exit codes display. These codes report the outcome of the action. The exit codes are as follows:
  • 0 - Success
  • 1 - Failure
  • 2 - Reboot Required
  • 3 - Timeout
Some examples include:
  • Display the help screen:
    VMwareWS1ProvisioningTool --help
  • Apply apps only (PPKG):
     VMwareWS1ProvisioningTool -a appsonly -p "C:\MyProvisioningPackage.ppkg"
  • Apply full process (ppkg & XML) - shutting down the system at the end:
    VMwareWS1ProvisioningTool -a full -p "C:\MyProvisioningPackage.ppkg" -u "C:\MyAnswer.xml" -s
  • Apply full process (PPKG & XML) - rebooting the system at the end:
    VMwareWS1ProvisioningTool -a full -p "C:\MyProvisioningPackage.ppkg" -u "C:\MyAnswer.xml" -r
  • Track only the application queue with GUI:
    VMwareWS1ProvisioningTool -a trackonly --gui
  • Track the application queue with GUI with the auto login enabled:
    VMwareWS1ProvisioningTool -a trackonly --gui --autologin -n myuser -w mypassword

VMware Workspace ONE Provisioning Tool Configuration Options

You can change the configuration settings for the VMware Workspace ONE Provisioning Tool to meet your needs. To change the settings, you must edit the VMwareWS1ProvisioningTool.exe.config file.

The config file contains the settings that control how the VMware Workspace ONE Provisioning Tool runs. Here are some commonly used settings for consideration. More settings are found in the config file. Consider reviewing the following settings to meet your needs.
Table 2. VMware Workspace ONE Provisioning Tool Configuration Settings
Setting Description
loggingConfiguration Enter the file path, logging level, file size, and maximum number of archived files.

The level= value controls the log level. The default value is "Information". For troubleshooting, consider changing the level to "Verbose".

"TimeoutMinutes" Enter a value, in minutes, for how long the tool can attempt to apply the PPKG before timing out. Consider keeping this value below 90 minutes.
"RefreshRateSeconds" Enter a value, in seconds, for how frequently the tool refreshes the installation progress of the PPKG.
"BitLockerDecryptionTimeoutMinutes" Enter a value, in minutes, for how long the tool can wait for BitLocker Decryption to finish before timing out.
"UnattendXmlCleanup" Set to True to remove the source Unattended XML file from the system drive after staging the device. If the Unattended XML is not present on the device, the file is only copied.
"PpkgCleanup" added in v2.2 Set to true to delete all PPKG files in the specified cleanup file path.
"PpkgCleanupPath" added in v2.2 Enter the file path to clean up any PPKG after staging. Any file with the PPKG extension is deleted.

Reading the PPKG Final Summary Log

After the VMware Workspace ONE Provisioning Tool finishes applying the PPKG to the device, a summary log generates. You can find the logs in C:\ProgramData\Airwatch\UnifiedAgent\Logs\PPKGFinalSummary.log. These logs are useful for troubleshooting. If there are issues provisioning devices, Dell might ask for these logs.

The logs cover important information such as the OS details, client network details, device model and manufacturer, and PPKG details. If you do not set the device into audit mode, a note is made in the log to help troubleshoot why the process failed. You can also see a log of the status updates that displayed in the tool during processing.

Logs for Troubleshooting Failures

The VMware Workspace ONE Provisioning Tool collects information after a tool failure. The tool collects logs and stores them to the machine user's Diagnostics folder in Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\Diagnostics.

The tool collects the listed logs.
  • ZIP of the Logs folder that includes the PPKGFinalSummary.log file found on the machine in C:\ProgramData\Airwatch\UnifiedAgent\Logs.
  • ZIP of the AwProvAgent folder found on the machine in C:\ProgramData\AwProvAgent.
  • ZIP of the VMware folder found on the machine in C:\ProgramData\VMware.
  • ZIP of the Support folder found on the machine in C:\ProgramData\AirWatchMDM\Support.
  • The AirWatchMDM.tmf file found on the machine in C:\ProgramData\AirWatchMDM\Support\WINDIR\system32\AirWatchMDM.tmf.
The tool collects registry keys and values from the machine.
  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\EnterpriseDesktopAppManagement
  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Provisioning\OMADM\Accounts
  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Provisioning\OMADM\MDMDeviceID
The tool collects event log files for the listed services in the tool's Event Viewer.
  • The AirWatch event file found in the viewer in Event viewer > Application and Services Logs > AirWatch.
  • The Provisioning Service event file found in the viewer in Event viewer > Application and Services Logs > AirWatch-Provisioning Agent > Operational.
  • The Device Management event file found in the viewer in Event viewer > Application and Services Logs > Microsoft > Windows > DeviceManagement-Enterprise-Diagnostics-Provider > Admin.