Upgrade Android devices remotely with the OS Upgrade File-Action. Add the file-action to a product to update your devices without a need for a manual OS update.

This OS Upgrade task applies to non-Zebra devices including Honeywell devices running any version of Android. If you want to OS Upgrade a Zebra device running Android 8.0 or later, then see Create an OS Upgrade for Zebra Devices, Android 8.0+.

  1. Navigate to Devices > Provisioning > Components > Files/Actions and select the Add Files/Actions button.
  2. Select the Android platform.
  3. Complete the General text boxes.
    • Enter a Name.
    • Enter a Description.
    • View the pre-populated Version number of the file-action.
    • View and confirm the Platform for the file-action.
    • Enter who the files-actions are Managed By.
  4. Select the Files tab.
  5. Select the Add Files button and upload the OS update files.
    • For Zebra devices under versions of Android before 8.0, upload the following files and specify the path as either /data/tmp to store the file on the data partition, or as a known internal path to store it on the internal storage.
      • OS Update ZIP file – This file can only be an incremental OS upgrade file. The file can also be an enterprise reset package.
      • [optional] Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub update package (APF) – This optional file can be specified to update the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub before initiating the actual OS update. Workspace ONE UEM can provide this APK.
    • For Honeywell devices, direct the OS Update ZIP file to be placed in the /sdcard/honeywell/autoinstall folder. Then issue a warm boot on the device. This forces the Honeywell device to run the OS Update.
      • This applies to both incremental full Honeywell OS updates. It assumes that you have knowledge of the file requirements to run a Honeywell OS update before attempting an OS Update File-Action.
      • Additionally, these steps rely on the Honeywell Autoinstall process, which means this process must not be deactivated prior to attempting a Honeywell OS update.
      • Lastly, if your Honeywell device is under Android Enterprise (fully managed) enrollment, the Honeywell Setting called "Provisioning Mode" does not need to be enabled.
  6. Select the Manifest tab and select Add Action under the Install Manifest.
  7. Add OS Upgrade command to the manifest and select the corresponding OS upgrade file that was uploaded earlier.

    Your Manifest tab looks similar to the following.

    This screenshot show what the Manifest tab of your Add Files/Actions screen looks like after you add the OS Upgrade action type.

  8. Select Save.

After creating an OS Upgrade file/action, create a product to push the upgrade to your devices. See Create a Product for more information.

Note: Before installing an OS Update, the device checks the battery level. If the level is below a threshold, the product fails. This failure displays in the log.