Zebra devices running Android 8.0 (Oreo) or later with MX 9.1 or later support OS Upgrade using OEMConfig. However, for Zebra devices running Android 8.0 that do not have MX 9.1, this special OS Upgrade task represents a workaround to enable the same convenience of silent, remote OS upgrades.

This OS Upgrade task applies specifically to Zebra devices running Android 8.0 or later. If you want to OS Upgrade another Android device of any version or a Zebra device running a version of Android before 8.0 (Oreo), then see Create an OS Upgrade File-Action, Android.

If your Zebra device has MX 9.1 or later installed and is enrolled with Android Enterprise, you can integrate OEMConfig to upgrade the OS for you.


Before you begin, decide whether you want to apply a Full BSP upgrade or an Incremental (Lifeguard Patch) upgrade.

The Full upgrade applies the entire OS image in the system update file. This type of upgrade is best suited if you want to go from one major version to another. For example, applying Zebra devices with Android 6.0 or 7.0 all the way up to 8.0.

The Incremental or Lifeguard Patch upgrade is for when you want to apply "decimal point" upgrades within a version number. For example, going from Android 8.0 to 8.1 or applying a security patch.


  1. For Full (BSP) Upgrades, take the following steps.
    1. Copy the following code (Ctrl-C) and save it as an XML file.
         <characteristic version="8.1" type="PowerMgr">
            <parm name="ResetAction" value="8" />
            <characteristic type="file-details">
               <parm name="ZipFile" value="/data/tmp/public/FILENAME" />
    2. In the saved XML file, substitute the variable FILENAME for the actual filename of your Zebra OS upgrade file.
    3. Create a new File/Action. Open Create a Files-Actions Component in another tab of your browser and follow along with this task. When you get to the Files tab step, add two files:
      • Add the OS upgrade zip file and set the download location to /data/tmp/public/.
      • Add the modified XML file above and set the download location to any valid path. For example, /sdcard/Downloads/.
    4. In the Manifest tab, add an "Apply Custom Settings" action to the Install Manifest. Select the XML file from the drop down menu.
    5. Save the Files/Actions and provision it through a product.
    6. Task complete.
  2. For Incremental (Lifeguard Patches) Upgrades, take the following steps.
    1. Copy the following code (Ctrl-C) and save it as an XML file.
         <characteristic version="4.2" type="XmlMgr">
            <parm name="ProcessingMode" value="3" />
         <characteristic version="6.0" type="ConditionMgr">
            <parm name="DataType" value="1" />
            <characteristic type="BooleanDetails">
               <parm name="BooleanSourceType" value="2" />
               <parm name="BooleanSystemValue" value="2" />
            <parm name="ConditionMetAction" value="0" />
            <parm name="ConditionNotMetAction" value="1" />
            <parm name="ConditionFailMessage" value="" />
            <parm name="SuppressMessage" value="1" />
         <characteristic version="8.1" type="PowerMgr">
            <parm name="ResetAction" value="8" />
            <characteristic type="file-details">
               <parm name="ZipFile" value="data/tmp/public/FILENAME" />
         <characteristic version="4.2" type="XmlMgr">
            <parm name="ProcessingMode" value="4" />
    2. In the saved XML file, substitute the variable FILENAME for the actual filename of your Zebra OS upgrade file.
    3. Create a new File/Action. Open Create a Files-Actions Component in another tab of your browser and follow along with this task. When you get to the Files tab step, add two files:
      • Add the OS upgrade zip file and set the download location to /data/tmp/public/.
      • Add the modified XML file above and set the download location to any valid path. For example, /sdcard/Downloads/.
    4. In the Manifest tab, add an "Apply Custom Settings" action to the Install Manifest. Select the XML file from the drop down menu.
    5. Save the Files/Actions and provision it through a product.
    6. Task complete.


Once the product has been provisioned to your Zebra device running Android 8.0 or later but lacking MX 9.1, it will proceed with the automatic OS Upgrade. After the device reboots, it will be on the new OS version.

You can verify the OS has been successfully updated by checking the build number found by taking the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Devices > List View.
  2. Locate the recently upgraded Zebra device from the listing and select the device's Friendly Name in the General Info column.
    • Selecting the device Friendly Name displays the Details View
  3. Select More > Custom Attributes.