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Custom Attributes

Custom attributes in Workspace ONE UEM enable you to extract specific values from a managed device (for example, IMEI, location, among many others) and use it as assignment criteria for products. You can also configure a 3rd party application to create custom attributes and display them on the launcher.

What Is A Custom Attribute?

A custom attribute is a placeholder for device information collected by Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub or by a third party application. This placeholder can be used in many different ways.

  • It can be used to assign content such as provisioned products.
    • …for example, you can provision product XYZ to only devices that are checked out and in the field.
  • It can provide information to the admin on the UEM console or to the end user on the device.
    • …for example, a delivery driver can view an in-house developed app to determine their next stop, furnished by a custom attribute that collects the location of the device.
  • It can be used to move newly enrolled devices to a specific organization group.
    • …for example, you can move all newly enrolled devices whose model number equals Zebra VC80 to an organization group that is designed to serve that specific model.


Custom attributes (and the rules generator) are only configurable and useable at Customer-level organization groups.

For details about available options regarding device assignment rules based on custom attributes, see Enable Device Assignments.

Create a Custom Attribute

Create a custom attribute and values to push to devices in Workspace ONE UEM. You can create assignment rules for products to provision based on these attributes and their values.

  1. Navigate to Devices > Provisioning > Custom Attributes.
  2. Select Add and then select Add Attribute.
  3. Under the Settings tab, enter an Attribute Name.
  4. Enter the optional Description of what the attribute identifies.
  5. Enter the name of the Application that gathers the attribute. The application can be a third-party app or Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub.
  6. Select Collect Value for Rule Generator to make the values of the attribute available in the drop-down menu of the rule generator.
  7. Select Use in Rule Generator if you want to use the attribute in the rule generator.
  8. Select Persist to prevent the removal of the custom attribute from the Workspace ONE UEM console unless an Admin or an API call explicitly removes it.

    Otherwise, the attribute is removed as normal. If you delete a custom attribute reported from a device to the UEM console, a persisted custom attribute remains in the UEM console. Custom attribute persistence is only available to Android and Windows Rugged devices.

  9. Select Use as Lookup Value to use the custom attribute as a lookup value anywhere in the UEM console.

    Example: You can use custom attributes as part of a device friendly name to simplify device naming.

  10. Select the Values tab.

  11. Select Add Value to add values to the custom attribute.

    You are not required to enter all possible values of the attribute. The list of attributes entered here is not a requirement or constraint on what values the device can report. Instead, enter only expected values used to pre-define organization group assignment rules.

  12. Select Save.

Custom Attributes Database

Custom attributes are stored as XML files and in the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub database, each stored on the device. When using the database, custom attributes are sent as samples to Workspace ONE UEM periodically for asset tracking of key/value pairs.

If a record in the device database is configured with ‘Create Attribute’ = TRUE, then the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub automatically retrieves the Name and Value sent with the custom attributes sample. The key/value pair displays in the Device Details page for the device in the Custom Attributes tab.

Note: Custom Attribute values cannot return the following special characters: / \ " * : ; < > ? |. If a script returns a value which contains these characters, the value is not reported on the console. Trim these characters from the script’s output.

Assign Organization Groups Using Custom Attributes

Configure rules that control how devices are assigned to organization groups following enrollment in Workspace ONE UEM. You are limited to one custom attribute assignment rule per organization group (OG).

  1. Ensure that you are currently in a customer type organization group.
  2. Navigate to Groups & Settings > All Settings > Devices & Users > General > Advanced.
  3. Set Device Assignment Rules to Enabled.
  4. Set the Type to Organization Group by Custom Attribute.

    For details about available options regarding device assignment rules, see Enable Device Assignments.

  5. Select Save.

  6. Navigate to Devices > Provisioning > Custom Attributes > Add > Add Attribute and create a custom attribute if you have not already done so.

    See the section on this page entitled Create a Custom Attribute.

  7. Navigate to Devices > Provisioning > Custom Attributes > Custom Attributes Assignment Rules > Add Rule.

  8. Select the Organization Group to which the rule assigns devices.
  9. Select Add Rule to configure the logic of the rule.

    Setting Description
    Attribute / Application This custom attribute determines device assignment. Select from among Device Model, Serial Number, and any custom attribute or XML file that is available in the customer OG you are in.
    Operator This operator compares the Attribute to the Value to determine if the device qualifies for the product.

    When using more than one Operator in a rule, you must include a Logical Operator between each Operator.

    Note: When making an assignment rule, comparisons using the less than (<) and greater than (>) operators (and their variants) can only be used to compare numerical values including integers.

    The exception is when you are comparing OEM build versions, you can apply < and > operators on non-numerical ASCII strings. For example, when an OEM update filename includes hyphens, periods, and other characters together with numbers. Such assignment rules must identify a device manufacturer in the rule logic and that comparison is deemed accurate when the format on the device matches the one specified on the server.
    Value All values from all applicable devices are listed here for the Attribute selected for the rule.
    Add Logical Operator Select to display a drop-down menu of logical operators such as AND, OR, NOT, and parentheses. Allows for more complex rules.
  10. Select Save after configuring the logic of the rule.

Results: When a device enrolls with an assigned attribute, the rule assigns the device to the configured organization group.

Custom Attributes Importing

The custom attribute batch import feature in Workspace ONE UEM allows you to load custom attributes and corresponding values into the system in bulk. In the templates provided, each column corresponds to one custom attribute and each row corresponds to their different parameters.

With the templates, you can import custom attributes in different ways and with different information.

CAUTION: The syntax of the first column of each template must be replicated exactly. Failure to use the proper syntax can cause database issues and result in loss of data.

Template Types

  • Custom Attributes Template – Allows you to define a custom attribute and its settings.

    This screenshot shows a sample custom attributes template, partially completed.

  • Custom Attribute Values Template – Allows you to define the values of predefined custom attributes.

    The screenshot shows a sample of the custom attribute values template.

  • Device Custom Attribute Values – Allows you to define the values of predefined custom attributes for individual devices based on the cross reference (Xref) value. The Xref values determine the individual devices receiving the value for each custom attribute.

    This screenshot shows a sample of the device custom attribute values template.

    1. DeviceID (Workspace ONE UEM assigned DeviceID when the device enrolls)
    2. Serial Number
    3. UDID
    4. MAC Address
    5. IMEI Number

Save the file as a CSV file before you import it.

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