You interact with virtual machines through the Workstation Pro window.


  • Use the icons on the Home tab to create a new virtual machine, open an existing virtual machine, connect to a remote server, or view the Workstation Pro help system.
  • Select a powered-off virtual machine in the library or click its tab to see the summary view for that virtual machine.

    The summary view shows a summary of configuration information and the virtual machine state. You can power on the virtual machine and edit virtual machine settings from the summary view.

  • Select an active virtual machine in the library or click its tab to see the console view.

    The console view is like the monitor display of a physical computer. You can click the console view button on the toolbar to switch between the console and summary views.

  • Select a virtual machine in the library and use the VM menu on the menu bar at the top of the Workstation Pro window to perform all virtual machine operations for the selected virtual machine.

    You can use the VM menu when a virtual machine is powered on or off. If an operation is not supported for the virtual machine in its current state, the menu item is not available.

  • Select a virtual machine in the library and use the buttons on the toolbar at the top of the Workstation Pro window to perform common virtual machine operations and change the display for the selected virtual machine.

    You can use the buttons on the toolbar to take and manage snapshots, enter full screen and Unity mode, cycle multiple monitors, and switch between the console and summary views.

  • When a virtual machine is powered on, use the icons on the status bar at the bottom of the Workstation Pro window to see Workstation Pro messages and perform actions on virtual devices such as hard disks, CD/DVD drives, floppy drives, and network adapters.

    You can click or right-click on a removable device icon to connect or disconnect the device or edit its settings, and you can click the Message log icon to view the message log. Messages include warning information about the virtual machine. If the icon is dimmed, all messages have already been read.

  • Select items in the library or use tabs to quickly switch between virtual machines, folders, and remote hosts.