You can change the name of a role. You can add or remove the privileges in a role. You cannot edit the default system roles.

When you change the privileges in a role, the changes are applied to any user or group that is assigned that role. When you change the name of a role, no changes occur to the role's assignments.

See Defined Privileges in the Workstation Pro documentation center for descriptions of the available privileges. The Workstation Pro documentation center is available on the VMware Web site at


If you are editing a role on a remote host, connect to the remote server. See Connect to a Remote Server.


  1. Open the Edit Roles dialog box.
    Option Description
    Edit a role on the local host
    • (Windows host) Right-click Shared VMs and select Roles.
    • (Linux host) Right-click Shared VMs and select Edit Roles.
    Edit a role on a remote host
    • (Windows host) Right-click the remote host and select Roles.
    • (Linux host) Right-click the remote host and select Edit Roles.
  2. Select the role to edit.
    Option Description
    Change the role name
    • (Windows host) Double-click the role in the Roles list and type a new name.
    • (Linux host) Type a new name in the Name text box.
    Change the privileges in the role Select or deselect privileges from the privileges tree. You can expand the tree to view the privileges in each category.
  3. Click OK (Windows host) or Save (Linux host) to save your changes.