Most metrics are contributed by plug-ins. Several plug-ins ship with the core product. Developers can create their own plug-ins. Only core plug-ins are documented here.


Tracing of calls to the Akka framework.

Table 1. Operations of Akka plug-in

Collection Point Summary Akka Actor message passing Actor message recieve

Table 2. Endpoint Analysis of Akka plug-in

Item Description
Analyzer AkkaUntypedActorEndPointAnalyzer
Score Varies.
Summary Creates an end point for message recieve handled by Akka actor.


Use of the @Insight* annotations are optional. They make it easy for end users to define custom operation frames and end points without needing to create a plug-in. Because end user code modification is required to use the annotations, they are an option for users who cannot or do not wish to write aspects.

For more information on using the @Insight* annotations, see Using Annotations To Customize Insight Data For Your Application.

Table 3. Operations of annotation plug-in

Collection Point Summary
@InsightOperation Any methods annotated with @InsightOperation will create an operation, including: basic source code location, method parameters and the return value.
@InsightEndPoint Similar to @InsightOperation; also indicates the operation should be treated as an end point.
@InsightObscure Used to annotate a value which should be obscured from Trace transmission or storage.
@InsightSensitive Used to mark a method which processes sensitive data.

Table 4. Endpoint Analysis of annotation plug-in

Item Description
Analyzer AnnotatedMethodEndPointAnalyzer
Core Operation AnnotatedMethod Operation
Score High by default, customizable in annotation.
Summary Finds operations created from @InsightEndPoint, thus creating the end point.


Traces calls to external HTTP resources using the Apache HTTP client version 3.

Table 5. Operations of Apache HTTP Client 3 plug-in

Collection Point Summary
HttpClient.executeMethod(...) Execution of HTTP calls


Traces calls to external HTTP resources using the Apache HTTP client version 4.

Table 6. Operations of Apache HTTP Client 4 plug-in

Collection Point Summary
HttpClient.execute(...) Execution of HTTP calls


Tracing of calls to the Axon framework. This plugin supports Axon 1.x versions as well as the 2.0 version that’s under development at the time of writing.

Table 7. Operations of Axon plug-in

Collection Point Summary
org.axonframework.commandhandling.CommandBus.dispatch(..) Command bus dispatch operation
org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation.CommandHandler Command handlers methods
org.axonframework.eventhandling.EventBus.publish(..) Publish operation
org.axonframework.eventhandling.annotation.EventHandler Event handler methods
org.axonframework.saga.annotation.SagaEventHandler Saga Event handler methods

Table 8. Endpoint Analysis of Axon plug-in

Item Description
Analyzer CommandHandlerEndPointAnalyzer
Score Varies.
Summary Creates an end point for Axon command handler operations.
Analyzer EventHandlerEndPointAnalyzer
Score Varies.
Summary Creates an end point for Axon event handler operations.
Analyzer SagaOperationEndPointAnalyzer
Score Varies.
Summary Creates an end point for Axon Saga operations.


Tracing of calls to BlazeDS. Supports the message broker APIs as well as command and message based communication.

Table 9. Operations of BlazeDS plug-in

Collection Point Summary
MessageBroker.route*(..) Message broker operations
Service.serviceMessage(..) Remote object and message based operations
Service.serviceCommand(..) Command based operations

Table 10. Endpoint Analysis of BalzeDS plug-in

Item Description
Analyzer BlazeDSEndPointAnalyzer
Score Varies.
Summary Creates an end point for HTTP requests handled by BlazeDS.


Intercepts low level call from client to Cassandra DB over Thrift. Covers all high-level API such as Hector, Astyanax, etc.

Table 11. Operations of Cassandra plug-in

Collection Point Summary
Cassandra.Client org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra.Client.Factory.getClient(..) CassandraDB connect CassandraDB connect
org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra.Client.execute_cql_query(ByteBuffer, Compression) CassandraDB CQL queries
CqlResult org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra.Client.execute_prepared_cql_query(int, List) CassandraDB CQL queries
CqlPreparedResult org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra.Client.prepare_cql_query(ByteBuffer, Compression) CassandraDB CQL queries
org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra.Client.get*(..) CassandraDB CQL get operation
org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra.Client.multiget_*(..) CassandraDB CQL get operation
org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra.Client.remove_counter(ByteBuffer, ColumnPath, ConsistencyLevel) CassandraDB CQL remove operation
org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra.Client.remove(ByteBuffer, ColumnPath, long, ConsistencyLevel) CassandraDB CQL remove operation
void org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra.Client.truncate(String) CassandraDB CQL remove operation
org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra.Client.add(ByteBuffer,ColumnParent,CounterColumn,ConsistencyLevel) CassandraDB CQL update operation
org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra.Client.insert(ByteBuffer,ColumnParent,Column,ConsistencyLevel) CassandraDB CQL update operation
org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra.Client.batch_mutate(Map,ConsistencyLevel) CassandraDB CQL update operation
org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra.Client.system_*(..) CassandraDB system commands
org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra.Client.set_keyspace(String) CassandraDB system commands
org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra.Client.login(AuthenticationRequest) CassandraDB system commands


Tracing of EclipseLink calls

Table 12. Operationf of Eclipse-Persistence framework plug-in

Collection Point Collection Point
org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session CRUD operations on persistent entities
org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession Transaction operations and Database authentication operations


Tracing of calls to Ehcache

Table 13. Operations of ehcache plug-in

Collection Point Collection Point
Get Get value from Ehcache
Put Put value in Ehcache
Remove Remove a value from Ehcache
Replace Replace a value in Ehcache


Tracing of calls to EJB3 beans

Table 14. Operations of EJB3 plug-in

Collection Point Summary
@Stateful Execution of stateful beans
@Stateless Execution of stateful beans


Tracing of file open and close operations

Table 15. Operations of files tracker plug-in

Collection Point Summary
Open A file was opened
Close A file was closed


Tracing of calls to GemFire

Table 16. Operations of gemfire plug-in

Collection Point Summary
Region Writing and reading values using the GemFire Region APIs
Query Querying GemFire using the Query APIs


Table 17. Operations of grails plug-in Grails-specific support for controller methods.

Collection Point Summary
Grails Controller Method Method on a Grails Controller to which the request is mapped.

Table 18. Endpoint Analysis of grails plug-in

Item Description
Analyzer GrailsControllerMethodEndPointAnalyzer
Core Operation GrailsControllerMethodOperation
Score Varies.
Summary Creates an end point for HTTP requests handled by Grails.


Provides data for following aspects of the Hadoop framework: Mapper, Reducer, Job

Table 19. Operations of Hadoop plug-in

Collection Point Summary
RunningJob org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient.runJob(JobConf) Collects Hadoop job start operation
public RunningJob org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient.submitJob(..) Collects Hadoop job start operation
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job.waitForCompletion(boolean) Collects Hadoop Mapper operation Collects Hadoop Mapper operation
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reducer+.reduce(..) Collects Hadoop Reducer operation
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer+.reduce(..) Collects Hadoop Reducer operation


Support for tracing Hibernate persistence operations, such as get, save, update, and delete. A Hibernate session represents one transaction, which may include several database transactions. The hibernate plug-in collects the method name (flush, save, update, delete, etc.), entity count (the number of entity instances associated with the Hibernate session), and collection count (the number of collection instances associated with the session).

Table 20. Operations of hibernate plug-in

Collection Point Summary
org.hibernate.Session CRUD operation on persistent entities.


JAX-RS trace support.

Table 21. Operations of jax-rs plug-in

Collection Point Summary
@DELETE Collects DELETE operations.
@GET Collects GET operations.
@HEAD Collects HEAD operations.
@POST Collects POST operations.
@PUT Collects PUT operations.

Table 22. Endpoint Analysis of grails plug-in

Item Description
Analyzer JaxrsEndPointAnalyzer
Score Varies.
Summary Creates an end point for HTTP requests handled by JAX-RS.


Tracing of calls to JCR (JSR-170).

Table 23. Operations of JCR plug-in

Collection Point Summary
javax.jcr.Node+.getNode(String) Collects JCR GetNode(s) requests
javax.jcr.Node+.getNodes(..) Collects JCR GetNode(s) requests
javax.jcr.Session+.getItem(String) Collects JCR GetNode(s) requests
javax.jcr.Item+.remove() Collects JCR Item remove operations
javax.jcr.Node+.update(String) Collects JCR Item update operations
javax.jcr.Node+.addNode(..) Collects JCR Item addNode operations
javax.jcr.Repository+.login(Credentials, String) Collects JCR Login operations
javax.jcr.query.Query+.execute() Collects JCR Query requests Collects JCR Item save operations
javax.jcr.Item+.refresh(boolean) Collects JCR Item refresh operations
javax.jcr.Workspace+.copy(..) Collects JCR Workspace copy requests
javax.jcr.Workspace+.clone(String, String, String, boolean) Collects JCR Workspace clone requests
javax.jcr.Workspace+.move(String, String) Collects JCR Workspace move requests
javax.jcr.Session+.move(String, String) Collects JCR Session move requests

Table 24. Endpoint Analysis of JCR plug-in

Item Description
Analyzer JCREndPointAnalyzer
Score Varies.
Summary Creates an end point for JCR requests.


Low level support for tracing raw SQL queries.

Table 25. Operations of jdbc plug-in

Collection Point Summary
java.sql.Statement Operation with the raw SQL statement.
java.sql.PreparedStatement Operation with the raw SQL statement and parameters.


jms trace support.

Table 26. Operations of jms plug-in

Collection Point Summary
MessageConsumer Collects javax.jms.MessageConsumer APIs
MessageListener Collects javax.jms.MessageListener APIs
MessageProducer Collects javax.jms.MessageProducer APIs

Table 27. Endpoint Analysis of jms plug-in

Item Description
Analyzer JMSConsumerEndPointAnalyzer and JMSMessageListenerEndPointAnalyzer
Score Varies.
Summary Creates an end point for messages that are received on a queue or topic.


Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) trace support

Table 28. Operations of JNDI plug-in

Collection Point Summary
javax.persistence.EntityManager Collects entity and lifecycle operations
Context+.bind Collects JNDI bind operations
Context+.rebind Collects JNDI rebind operations
Context+.unbind Collects JNDI unbind operations
Context+.lookup Collects JNDI lookup operations
Context+.lookupLink Collects JNDI lookupLink operations

Table 29. Endpoint Analysis of JNDI plug-in

Item Description
Analyzer JndiEndpointAnalyzer
Score Top.
Summary Creates an end point for lookup and bind operations.


Java Persistence API (JPA) trace support

Table 30. Operations of JPA plug-in

Collection Point Summary
javax.persistence.EntityManager Collects entity and lifecycle operations
javax.persistence.EntityTransaction Collects transaction control on resource-level entity managers


Java Transaction API (JTA) trace support

Table 31. Operations of JTA plug-in

Collection Point Summary
javax.transaction.Transaction Collects basic transaction operations
javax.transaction.TransactionManager Collects application server level transaction operations
javax.transaction.UserTransaction Collects application level transaction operations


jws trace support.

Table 32. Operations of jws plug-in

Collection Point Summary
@WebService Collects the javax.jws.WebService APIs

Table 33. Endpoint Analysis of jms plug-in

Item Description
Analyzer JwsEndPointAnalyzer
Score Varies.
Summary Creates an end point for HTTP requests handled by JAX-RS.


LDAP trace support.

Table 34. Operations of LDAP plug-in

Collection Point Summary Collects LDAP lookup calls


Logging frameworks support. Currently supports Log4J, SLF4J and Commons logging. This plugin will create error traces when an error or fatal message is logged.

Table 35. Operations of logging plug-in

Collection Point Summary
Log.error and Log.fatal Logging using commons logging
Category.error and Category.fatal Logging using Log4J
Logger.error Logging using SLF4J


The plugin provides trace support for the Java Mail API.

Table 36. Operations of Mail plug-in

Collection Point Summary
javax.mail.Transport Collects send operation.


Support for tracing MongoDB queries.

Table 37. Operations of mongodb plug-in

Collection Point Summary
com.mongodb.DBCollection Operations with the DBCollection APIs. Supported operations: insert, update, remove, save, find, count, group, distinct, map, reduce, and index.
com.mongodb.DBCursor Operations with the DBCursor APIs. Supported operations: next, skip, limit, toArray and sort operations.


Support for tracing Quartz scheduler queries.

Table 38. Operations of quartz-scheduler plug-in

Collection Point Summary
Job.execute Quartz job execution

Table 39. Endpoint Analysis of quartz-scheduler plug-in

Item Description
Analyzer QuartzSchedulerEndPointAnalyzer
Score Low.
Summary Creates an end point for Quartz triggered jobs.


Support for tracing RabbitMQ queries.

Table 40. Operations of rabbitmq-client plug-in

Collection Point Summary
com.rabbitmq.client.Consumer and com.rabbitmq.client.Channel Consumer and Channel based message receivers
com.rabbitmq.client.Channel Channel based message publishing

Table 41. Endpoint Analysis of rabbitmq-client plug-in

Item Description
Analyzer AbstractRabbitMQResourceAnalyzer
Score Low.
Summary Creates an end point for messages that are received on an exchange or routing key.


Support for tracing Redis queries.

Table 42. Operations of redis plug-in

Collection Point Summary
Jedis Collects operations executed using the Jedis APIs
AbstractRedisCollection Collects operations executed using the Spring Data abstraction for Redis


RMI (Java API for Remote Method Invocation) trace support

Table 43. Operations of RMI plug-in

Collection Point Summary
java.rmi.registry.Registry Collects RMI registry operations.


Support for tracking task execution and scheduling.

Table 44. Operations of run-exec plug-in

Collection Point Summary
java.util.concurrent.Executor Collects concurrent task execute operations
java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService Collects concurrent task submission operations
java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService Collects concurrent task scheduling operations
org.springframework.core.task.AsyncTaskExecutor Collects concurrent task execution and submission operations
java.lang.Thread Collects thread start operations
java.util.Timer Collects task scheduling operations


Creates end points for servlets and application lifecycle events such as start and stop. Support for servlet Listeners and Filters operation collection. For tc Runtime, the collection is done by the com.springsource.insight.collection.tcserver packages.

Table 45. Operations of servlet plug-in

Collection Point Summary
javax.servlet.Filter Operation with the filter name and init parameters.
javax.servlet.ServletContextListener Operations for context initialization and destruction events with context parameters.

Table 46. Endpoint Analysis of servlet plug-in

Item Description
Analyzer ServletEndPointAnalyzer
Core Operation HttpOperation
Score Low.
Summary Creates an end point for HTTP requests, grouped by the matching servlet, that are otherwise not accounted for by an end point.


Support for tracking opening and closing of sockets

Table 47. Operations of socket plug-in

Collection Point Summary
HttpURLConnection Creating a new connection
ServerSocketChannel, ServerSocket Accepting a connection
SocketChannel Creating a new connection or opening a connection
Socket Creating a connection


Support for tracing calls into the spring-batch framework.

Table 48. Operations of spring-batch plug-in

Collection Point Summary
org.springframework.batch.core.Job Collects job execution operations
org.springframework.batch.core.Step Collects step execution operations
org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow.Flow Collects flow start and resume operations
org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow.FlowExecutor Collects of flow execution operations
org.springframework.batch.core.launch.JobLauncher Collects job launcher run operations
org.springframework.batch.core.step.tasklet.Tasklet Collects tasklet execution


Basic support for calls into Spring managed beans containing user business logic. Currently only calls into objects annotated with @Service or @Repository stereotype annotations are supported. Even if component scanning is not enabled, using these annotations allows the agent to pick up the operations.

Table 49. Operations of spring-core plug-in

Collection Point Summary
@Repository Creates an operation for calls into classes annotated with @Repository
@Service Creates an operation for calls into classes annotated with @Service


Support for tracing calls into the spring-batch framework.

Table 50. Operations of spring-data plug-in

Collection Point Summary
@RepositoryDefinition Creates an operation for calls into classes annotated with @RepositoryDefinition Collects calls into classes implementing the Repository marker interface


Support for Spring Integration.

Table 51. Operations of spring-integration plug-in

Collection Point Summary
MessageChannel Sending messages using the MessageChannel APIs
MessageHandler Handling of messages using the MessageChannel APIs
Transformer Transforming of messages using the Transformer APIs

Table 52. Endpoint Analysis of spring-integration plug-in

Item Description
Analyzer IntegrationEndPointAnalyzer
Score Low.
Summary Creates an end point for operations that were triggered in Spring Integration.


Tracing support for Spring Security.

Table 53. Operations of spring-security plug-in

Collection Point Summary
AuthenticationManager Calls to the authenticate operation
AuthenticationProvider Calls to the authenticate operation
UserDetailsService Calls to the loadUserByUsername, createUser, updateUser, deleteUser, changePassword and userExists operations


Detects the creation, commit, and rollback of a transaction using Spring's PlatformTransactionManager. Transaction boundaries defined with @Transactional or with standard Spring config are detected.

Table 54. Operations of spring-tx plug-in

Collection Point Summary
PlatformTransactionManager Defines the boundaries of a transaction. Attributes such as the propagation, isolation, timeout and read-only states are collected.


Full support for events in the Spring MVC request life cycle. Both annotated @Controller and the legacy Controller interface class hierarchy flavors of MVC are supported.

Table 55. Operations of spring-web plug-in

Collection Point Summary
@InitBinder Data binder configuration including target name and type, allowed, required, and disallowed fields.
@ModelAttribute Methods returning objects that are added directly to the model, including the attribute name and value.
@RequestMapping Spring MVC request handlers.
Validator Validation logic.
View View rendering including view name and content type.
ViewResolver View resolution with the view name requested and the matching View object returned.
Controller Legacy Spring MVC Controller interface.
DispatcherServlet Handling of requests by Spring's DispatcherServlet.

Table 56. Endpoint Analysis of spring-web plug-in

Item Description
Analyzer ControllerEndPointAnalyzer
Core Operation ControllerMethodOperation
Score Varies.
Summary Creates an end point for HTTP requests handled by Spring MVC.


Provides support for tracing calls into Spring WebFlow classes.

Table 57. Operations of spring-webflow plug-in

Collection Point Summary
org.springframework.webflow.execution.ActionExecutor Collects the ActionExecutor helper class execution operations
org.springframework.webflow.engine.impl.FlowExecutionImpl Collects webflow execution start and state operations
org.springframework.webflow.engine.Transition Collects webflow state transition operations


Provides support for tracing calls to the Sturts2 framework.

Table 58. Operations of Struts2 plug-in

Collection Point Summary
@Action Creates an operation for calls into classes annotated with @Action
ActionSupport Collects Struts2 operations
Interceptor Collects Struts2 custom interceptors operation
ServletDispatcherResult Collects Struts2 overall action results
ActionProxy Collects Struts2 flow execution start


Provides server instrumentation for Tomcat and Pivotal tc Server internals that are not exposed by the public Servlet API

Table 59. Operations of tomcat plug-in

Collection Point Summary
JSP Compiler Operation showing time spent in JSP compilation (typically the first request to a JSP) and the compiler implementation.

Server-Based Instrumentation

The following instrumentation is provided by default to the tc Runtime; it is not provided as a plug-in.

Table 60. Operations of Server-Based Instrumentation

Collection Point Summary
AbstractHttpRequestOperationSupport Creates an HTTP operation for every HTTP request to a web application. Full request and response headers are collected as provided by Tomcat and the Servlet API. Request parameters are provided if available (user parsing of the request body prevents parameters from being available). Request headers are collected before the application is involved, and response headers are collected after the application has returned.
ApplicationLifecycleCollectionSupport Creates traces for application life cycle events such as start and stop. Not all web applications have a start event when the server is first starting, if the agent has not fully initialized.
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