The SaltStack Config user interface is a web application that provides the front end to RaaS. It is the central interface to manage minions, users, roles, jobs, and more. Management tasks are available through different workspaces.

The SaltStack Config user interface is a web application that provides the front end to RaaS. It is the central interface to manage minions, users, roles, jobs, and more. Management tasks are available through different workspaces.

Some tasks might not be available in the user interface and will only be possible through the API endpoints for RaaS.

Note: Manual page refreshes might be required when changing views or performing operations. If the view does not change after you perform an action, reload the page.

Accessing the SaltStack Config user interface

To being using the user interface:

  1. In a web browser, go to the SaltStack Config URL provided by your administrator. For a list of supported browsers, see Supported web browsers.
  2. In the login page, enter your username and password and click Log In.

    If you enter incorrect credentials, the page might load for up to 30 seconds before you are prompted to retry. For assistance, contact your administrator.

Changing your preferences

You can update various settings in the User Preferences workspace. This workspace allows you to change your password, switch to the dark or light theme, or to control other settings such as session timeout. See User preferences for a description of the available settings.

To update your user preferences:

  1. From the side menu, click Settings > User Preferences.
  2. Update your preferences as needed and click Save.

Changing your password

To change your password:

  1. From the side menu, click Settings > User Preferences.
  2. Under Change Password, enter the new password in the password field. Reenter your password to confirm.
  3. Click Save.

Supported web browsers

To take advantage of the SaltStack Config user interface’s full range of features, use the latest version of one of the following web browsers.

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox

User preferences

Under Preferences, you can adjust the following options:

Option Description
Session timeout From this menu, select the length of time (in minutes) you must be inactive before being logged out automatically.
Theme Choose from the dark or light theme.
Set Limit

When enabled, this setting enforces a limit on the number of minions displayed in various datagrids, tables, and charts in the Reports workspace and in job returns. This setting only affects visual displays in the SaltStack Config user interface and does not impact any actual functionality. When any element is affected by the minion limit, you’ll see an alert message.

This setting is enabled by default to improve the performance of the user interface. Be aware that disabling this setting could cause performance issues.

Minion Limit Sets the number of minions that are limited when Set Limit is enabled.
Note: The Settings menu also includes a Connectors workspace where you can configure API keys to connect and import security scans from third-party vendors.

Workspaces in the user interface

The following articles explain more about each workspace in the user interface: