Use the Tanzu Mission Control (TMC) adapter to configure the integration with Tanzu Mission Control. This adapter is only used to discover the clusters. For every discovered cluster, vRealize Operations creates a new instance of the Kubernetes adapter which is then used to monitor the cluster and related components. The TMC adapter instance queries the TMC API every 5 minutes (default collection interval) to check for Kubernetes clusters deployed or deleted. For every discovered cluster, a new Kubernetes adapter instance is automatically created.


If you are using TMC in your environment for Kubernetes, ensure that you configure the TMC adapter and not the Kubernetes adapter if you want to discover the clusters. If you do not have access to the TMC environment, you can use either the TKGI or Kubernetes adapters based on the distribution you use.


  • Verify that you have installed vRealize Operations Management Pack for Kubernetes.
  • Verify that the Tanzu Misson Control (TMC) URL is accessible and resolvable.
  • Generate the CSP token to access the TMC environment.
  • Verify that the Kubernetes Clusters available in the TMC Environment has the cAdvisor DaemonSet configured on port 31194.

To know more about VMware Tanzu Mission Control™, see the Tanzu Mission Control documentation.