If the Horizon adapter does not operate as expected, you can gather log and configuration files in a support bundle and send the support bundle to VMware for analysis.


  1. Log in to the vRealize Operations Manager user interface with admin privileges.
  2. Click the Administration tab and select Support > Support Bundles.
  3. Click the Create Support Bundle (plus sign) icon.
  4. Select the type of support bundle to generate and the nodes to include in the support bundle.
  5. Click OK to create the support bundle.

    The progress of the support bundle appears in the Status column on the Support Bundles pane. Support bundle creation might take several minutes, depending on the size of the logs and the number nodes. You can click the Reload Support Bundle icon to refresh the status.

  6. Select the support bundle and click the Download Support Bundle icon to download the support bundle to the server.

    You cannot download a support bundle until its status is Succeed. For security, vRealize Operations Manager prompts you for credentials when you download a support bundle.

  7. (Optional) Send the support bundle to VMware for support.