Use the Horizon Help Desk dashboard to view detailed information about all connected sessions running in your Horizon environment.

The objects displayed on this dashboard can be used for root cause analysis. Click an object and select Dashboard Navigation > Navigate > Horizon Root Cause Analysis in the widget toolbar to view information about the object in the Horizon Root Cause Analysis dashboard.

Note: vGPU widgets are not installed by default. To obtain them, see Import vGPU Dashboards.
Table 1. Horizon Help Desk Widgets
Widget What It Shows

Horizon Connected Sessions

All connected VDI desktop sessions, RDS desktop sessions, and application sessions in your environment. Select a session to see related information in the other widgets.

Session Related Metrics

Health, alerts, workload, and other metrics related to the object selected in the Select Session Related Objects widget.

Note: TX Bandwidth is not displayed for Horizon 7.3 Blast sessions.

VM Metrics

Health, workload, and other metrics for the virtual machine associated with the selected session.

Session Processes

Information about in-guest desktop processes and their resource usage. To display information, select an action from the drop-down menu in the toolbar and click Go.

Session Logon Breakdown

AppStack attachment time, profile and shell loading time, and session interaction time for the logged-in user.

User Desktop Application Launch History

Desktop applications launched by users.

Host Metrics

Health, workload, and other metrics for the ESXi host of the virtual machine associated with the session.

All Environment Alerts

All alerts on the system. You can click an alert to see details.

Selected User Session Alerts

Alerts for the selected session. You can click an alert to see details.

Selected Session Related Objects

Objects related to the selected session. Select an object to see related information in the Session Related Metrics widget.

Horizon Client Details

IP addresses and the name and type of machine for the selected session.

Virtual Desktop

Adapter type, object type, policy, collection state, and collection status of the virtual desktop.


vGPUs for the selected session.

Selected vGPU Related Objects

Objects related to the selected vGPU.


Adapter type, object type, policy, collection state, and collection status of the user.

VM Host

Adapter type, object type, policy, collection state, and collection status of the ESXi host of the virtual machine associated with the session.