POST /lcm/api/v1/action/create/environment creates or imports a vRealize Suite environment. Only products with versions in the policy are supported for import using the API.


Satisfy the following conditions before performing any tasks for this use case.
  • Use POST /lcm/api/v1/login to log in to vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager.
  • Verify that you have a valid authentication token that matches your login credentials. See Request an Authentication Token .
  • Verify that you have added a data center and the request has completed successfully. See Create a Data Center.
  • Verify that you have added a vCenter to the data center and the request has completed successfully. See Add a vCenter .

curl Command

The following example imports a vRealize Suite environment with all available products and nodes.
curl -X POST "https://LCM-Hostname/lcm/api/v1/action/create/environment" \
        -H "accept: application/json" \
        -H "x-xenon-auth-token: $token" \
        -H "content-type: application/json" \
        -d '{
		"requestId": null,
		"environmentId": "",
		"infrastructure": {
			"sourceLink": "",
			"properties": {
				"dataCenterName": "Datacenter Name",
				"vcHostname": "vCenter Server Host name",
				"environmentName": "vRS Small Import Brownfield Env",				
				"enableTelemetry": "true",
				"vcPassword": "",
				"defaultPassword": "",
				"adminEmail": "",
				"vcUsername": "",
				"acceptEULA": "false",
				"masterCertificateChain": ""
		"encoded": false,
		"products": [
				"sourceLink": null,
				"id": "vra",
				"version": "7.5.0",
				"clusterVIP": [
						"type": "vra",
						"hostname": "",
						"ipAddress": ""
						"type": "iaas-web",
						"hostname": "",
						"ipAddress": ""
						"type": "iaas-manager",
						"hostname": "",
						"ipAddress": ""
				"properties": {
					"cafeRootPassword": "",
					"vidmPassword": "",
					"isImport": "true",
					"vratenantUser": "",
					"cafeHostName": "",
					"iaasUserName": "",
					"ssoTenant": "",
					"vratenantPassword": "",
					"iaasPassword": ""
				"nodes": [],
				"contents": []
				"sourceLink": null,
				"id": "vrbc",
				"version": "7.5.0",
				"clusterVIP": [],
				"properties": {
					"isImport": "true",
					"vrbVidmAdminPassword": "",
					"vrbCafeSsoTenant": "",
					"vrbHostName": "",
					"vrbCafeSsoPassword": "",
					"isStandalone": "",
					"vrbCafeHost": "",
					"vrbCafeSsoAdminUser": "",
					"vrbVidmAdminUserName": "",
					"vrbRootPassword": "",
					"isVrbVidmEnabled": "",
					"vrbVidmHostName": ""
				"nodes": [],
				"contents": []
				"sourceLink": null,
				"id": "vrli",
				"version": "4.7.1",
				"clusterVIP": [],
				"properties": {
					"vrliHostName": "",
					"vrliRootPassword": "",
					"isImport": "true",
					"vrliAdminPassword": ""
				"nodes": [],
				"contents": []
				"sourceLink": null,
				"id": "vrops",
				"version": "7.0.0",
				"clusterVIP": [],
				"properties": {
					"isImport": "true",
					"vropsRootPassword": "",
					"masterNodeAddress": "",
					"adminPassword": ""
				"nodes": [],
				"contents": []

JSON Output

When the operation completes successfully, the JSON output includes:
  • id = Create environment request ID
  • status = Create environment status