POST /lcm/api/v1/action/addNode scales out the environment by adding a single node to a product in the environment. To add multiple nodes, make a separate request for each node.
Satisfy the following conditions before performing any tasks for this use case.
- Use POST /lcm/api/v1/login to log in to vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager.
- Verify that you have a valid authentication token that matches your login credentials. See Request an Authentication Token.
Each node request requires the following parameters:
- name
- ipAddress
- hostname
See Node Types and Parameters for a full list of parameters for each node type.
The following node types cannot be scaled:
- vra-server-primary
- db
- vrli-master
- iaas-manager-active
- master
- managementagent
- replica
curl Command
The following example adds a
vrli-worker node to the environment.
curl -X POST "https://LCM-Hostname/lcm/api/v1/action/addNode" \ -H "accept: application/json" \ -H "x-xenon-auth-token: $token" \ -H "content-type: application/json" \ -d '{ "environmentId": "8c7e3ea7e945f475558855d497c68", "dataCenterId": "Data Center Name", "productId": "vrli", "version": "4.3.0", "node": { "type": "vrli-worker", "sourceLink": "", "properties": { "name": "VM Name", "cluster": "", "ipAddress": "", "dns": "", "vCenterHost": "hostname", "storage": "", "network": "", "hostname": "hostname", "netmask": "", "domain": "", "diskFormat": "", "searchpath": "", "gateway": "", "deployOption": "", "userName": "vCenter Username", "password": "password" } } }'
JSON Output
When the operation completes successfully, the JSON output includes:
- id = Add a node request ID
- status = Add a node status